Ch.19: Thank god for idiots

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Chapter 19:

Rushing into a shower room, I vaguely hear a man shout at me. "Hey! You can't be in here-"

I rush to a closed stall that has the shower still running and use my strength to break the lock on the door.

A man sits on the ground, leaning against the wall of the stall unconscious. A pool of blood mixing with the water around him.

I pull him out of the stall and check for his pulse.

More guards are streaming in and shouting in distress as they see the wounded man.

"We need a doctor!" One of them shouts.

Sherlock kneels next to me and throws a towel over the man's waist to give him some dignity back. John then rushes into the room shouting that he is a doctor.

He kneels before me and looks over the man,"What happened?"

"He was found unconscious and bleeding from a wound on his back," I tell him as I hold my hands over the wound,"He is still alive."

John's eyes widen and he looks at Sherlock,"Give me your scarf."

Sherlock looks at him in shock,"What?"

"Quickly, now!" John snaps.

I stand and look up at the guards while John takes over saving the man,"Call an ambulance."


I let out a frustrated sigh,"Call an ambulance now. Do it!"

Both of the sergeants turn and hurry from the room. John has pressed the scarf against the wound in solider's back, he takes Sherlock's hand and puts it on top of the scarf, positioning his fingers where he wants them.

"Nurse, press here – hard," John instructs

"Nurse?" Sherlock scoffs.

"Yeah, I'm making do. Keep pressure on that wound."

Sherlock leans closer so that he can press harder. John moves to solider's head. "Stephen. Stephen, stay with me."

The duty sergeant walks back into the room with a solider at his side.

"Now, what happened here?" the sergeant demands.

"You think we know?" I retort.

"She was the one that ran in here and found him, Sir," the solider mumbles to his sergeant. He must have been one of the men here when I stormed in.

The sergant glares at me,"Did she now? Women aren't even aloud in this section of the building. Did you and your friend sneak in to kill Bainbridge? Is that why the doctor fellow was distracting me?" he questions.

So the wounded man, he is actually our client. He wrote us the letter about being stalked. Looks like we were too late to prevent an attack.

Sherlock glares up at the man while still keeping pressure on Bainbridge. "Kill him with what? Where's the weapon?" the sociopath questions.

"What?" the sergant frowns.

"Where's the weapon? Go on, search us. We have no weapons."

"Bainbridge was on parade. He came off duty five minutes ago. When's this supposed to have happened?" John questions the two men.

"You obviously stabbed him before he got into the shower," the soldier says.



"He's soaking wet and there's still shampoo in his hair. He got into the shower and then someone stabbed him," Sherlock explains.

Solider glances at his superior,"....The cubicle was locked from the inside, sir. The girl had to break it open."

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