Ch.12: A terrorist attack?

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Chapter 12:

Sara's POV:

My close encounter with Sherlock has me confused. I have never seen him so...considerate? Thoughtful? I don't think I have seen him express those feelings since he was a child.

Back when I first met Tom, I met Sherlock as well. I became a good friend of the family, his parents loved me and Mycroft and Sherlock adored me. Sherlock was a strange little boy, but he wasn't as guarded when he was around me. He would tell me anything and everything. Now that he is older, his walls are thicker than ever. But I think I'm starting to get through them once again.

Leaping onto a building wall, I quickly scale it and look over the cityscape. Scanning for my next victim.

I care for Sherlock a lot, and it hurt when he reacted as he did when I revealed my secret. He still does not believe me, not fully at least. But I think he is getting there.


The next few days are quiet. John is continuing life as a doctor, Tom and I have been strolling around the city, and Sherlock has been working on a case with Molly I hear.

Molly? Sherlock must be desperate without John and I to think of resorting to her. I mean no offense, but Molly isn't exactly the detective type. She works better behind the scenes, cutting up bodies.

Anyway, Mycroft is sending Tom on a mission in the US tonight. Tom has worked with his brother over the years, gathering evidence and taking out potential threats to England. He is being sent off again and for quite some time. It will be lonely without him, but I am going to try and makeup with Sherlock, hopefully try to regain our old friendship. John is going to do the same, I know he is just itching to help with a case, same as me.


Tom and I are currently walking through town. It is nighttime and some sort of festival is going on.

We stroll through the park hand in hand. I watch as some folks light up a huge bonfire. Everyone starts to cheer and enjoy themselves.

"Strange traditions," I murmur with a frown.

Tom chuckles and kisses my head,"All humans have strange traditions. It is interesting to see how they change over the years."

I nod,"It is indeed. Many real traditions have been lost for so long. Most do not know the true origins anymore."

We walk closer to the festival, watching the happy people dancing around and playing with fireworks.


I pause and glance at Tom,"Did you hear that?"

He frowns,"Hear what-"

"...Help!" it comes louder this time.

My eyes widen,"John?" I look around and shout,"John!"

I try to pick up his scent but it is impossible within this crowd of people and all the smoke from the bonfire.

My eyes widen. 'The bonfire!'

Just as I start to sprint toward the mound of fiery sticks, I see a motorbike speed past me and the two passengers jump off it.

"JOHN!" Sherlock shouts, running toward the fire like I am.

I make it first and start to dig through the burning wood.

People around us start to shout and scream in horror as I all but dive into the flames.

I spot my friend and grip his legs, feeling Sherlock and Tom join me, we quickly pull John out of the flames and lay him a safe distance away.

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