Ch.11: Jealousy?

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Chapter 11:

Sara's POV:

John looks utterly confused. He quickly glances from Sherlock to Tom. "Wait a minute! You never told me you had another brother," he accuses Sherlock, then he glares at Tom,"And you never told me you were a Holmes!"

We have retired to the flat on 221b Baker street. John has joined us with Mary as well. So many memories from this place.

Sherlock clenches his hands into fists,"I do not. Because, Thomas Holmes died over twenty-five years ago."

Tom smiles weakly at John and shrugs.

I take a step toward my angry friend with my hands raised meaning no harm,"Sherlock, I know this is very confusing and-"

His eyes narrow,"What kind of game are you playing?!" he hisses,"Being with this man who is pretending to be my dead brother! How dare-"

Tom steps in front of me protectively,"This is no trick. I am Thomas Holmes, eldest brother to Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes. I-"


John's eyes widen as he realizes what is going on. He looks to me for confirmation. I give a slight nod. He turns to Sherlock and grips his arm,"Sherlock, you need to calm down. There is an explanation to this, but you need to keep an open mind-"

"OPEN MIND?!" he scoffs, shoving his friend away,"WAKE UP, JOHN! THERE CAN BE NO EXPLANATION TO THIS!"

My anger getting the better of me, I stomp over to Sherlock and slap him hard in the face. Grabbing his scarf to bring his face down to my level, I glare into his eyes with my now red ones,"You need to sit down and listen!" I hiss menacingly. Tossing him across the room, he stumbles into his chair and stares at me with wide eyes.

I stalk towards him and cross my arms,"I am finally going to tell you the truth. Wether you decide to believe me is up to you." I look over at John, Mary, and Tom and give them a look. They nod and leave me alone with Sherlock.

Sherlock stays silent, waiting for my explanation.

I take a seat in John's chair and let out a sigh,"Okay, I'm just going to come out and say it. I am a vampire, and so is Tom."

He stares me, not expressing anything nor saying anything. I continue,"My age is actually three hundred and something, I have lost count over the years. I was born in Italy, that was not a lie. I traveled the world for centuries, first coming to London back in the 1800s and living with my friend Jacob for some time and later with my other friend Ciel," I explain,"I met John in the army, but I was not in the military as I have already told you. I scouted battlefields for fresh dead bodies, easy pickings for dinner. I then met John and became friend with him. I stayed with him for quite awhile before moving on. I-"

"Sara," Sherlock interupts me,"You can't honestly think I believe any of this, can you?"

I sigh in frustration,"Just, listen!" I hiss,"I met your brother when he was at the age of twenty-four, you were only ten or eleven at the time. I remember playing with you from time to time," I smile at the memories,"Of course I went by the name, Serena, back then."

His eyes widen a fraction. Does he remember me now?

I continue,"Tom and I fell in love and he figured out my secret, he did not care what I was. Then tragedy struck. That accident Tom "died" in. He was actually fatally injured. I could not stand to see him die, so I turned him into a vampire to save his life. We kept you and your family in the dark, as he was now a dangerous creature of the night. He came with me and we traveled the world together."

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