Ch.55: Supernatural

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Some Supernatural spoilers ahead. You have been warned.

Chapter 55:

Sara's POV:

"Sara? Holy shit, it is you!" Dean lowers his gun and rushes forward to engulf me a hug.

I hug him tightly then spot his brother rounding the corner. "Dean- Oh my god, Sara!" he exclaims.

I let go of Dean and charge toward his brother. "Sammy!" I wrap my arms around him and lift him off the ground in a bear hug.

Dean chuckles from behind me,"Hey, don't break him. I just got him back."

I release Sam and give Dean a pointed look,"You will be telling me about that later." Probably another almost death experience.

"...Sara?" Tom speaks up.

I look over and find him standing off to the side looking confused and suspicious of the two men I had been hugging.

"Tom, this is Dean and Sam Winchester," I introduce them,"They are hunters. I lived with them for awhile when I lived in America. Guys, this is Thomas Holmes. He is my friend from England."

Sam eyes him wearily,"Vampire?"

I nod,"I turned him a couple decades ago, so no need to worry. He isn't like the vampires you hunt."

He nods but both Dean and him still look suspicious of Tom. My British friend returns the look.

We soon retire to our hotel room so we can talk in peace.

"What are you two doing in New York City?" I question the brothers in confusion,"Don't you normally stick to smaller towns and stuff?"

Sam nods,"Normally, but Cas tracked down the shifter that stole a special tablet we need for a ritual. The man he was meeting with and who stole your missile plans was a shifter as well."

I frown,"Cas? Who is this? Usually Bobby is the one doing the tracking."

The look on their faces tells me before they do. "...Bobby is dead, Sara."

I feel as though the air has been sucked from my lungs. I blink away tears and stare down at the table,"...I-I knew it would happen eventually but..."

We sit in silence for a moment, remembering our close friend.

I clear my throat,"So, what else has happened? Never a dull moment it seems."

Dean chuckles weakly,"Never. Well, I went to purgatory, and Sammy was in Hell."


After a couple hours of catching up, we plan our next move.

"These shifters are banding together for some reason," Tom says, deep in thought,"Stealing missile plans and that special tablet of yours. They are planning something."

I nod and look at the Winchesters,"Any idea what?"

Dean sits back in his chair with a heavy sigh,"Probably something to do with Lucifer. He's an ass."

Tom runs his hand through his hair,"...I still can't believe that Hell and Lucifer are real."

I nod,"And Angels, and God. It's insane to think about. And you said Angels are bad guys, right?"

Sam shrugs,"Yeah, most of them. Well except for our friend, Castiel."

I smile,"I would like to meet him some day. He seems nice."

Dean laughs,"He is, but he takes some time getting used to."

"Dean, did you find the tablet," a new voice questions.

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