Ch.13: Sherlock...

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Chapter 13:

Sherlock stands,"We need to move. The sitting will start in a few hours."

We grab our coats and bolt out the door. Making our way to the underground station, we slip into an off limits area and follow it down into the dark depths.

We follow the rails into an unused tunnel, and up ahead I spot the carriage.

"There it is," I tell the others.

Sherlock warns us to be careful and we slowly climb aboard the train car.

No one is there. The entire car is actually empty.

Sherlock frowns confused,"...I don't understand."

John snorts,"Well there's a first."

Sherlock shakes his head,"No. Where is the bomb? It is supposed to be here!"

I look around a little closer and my eyes widen. Pulling out the seat cushion, I see that explosives are laced under every seat.

"This is the bomb," I whisper.

"What?!" John exclaims, looking around fearfully.

Sherlock crouches in the middle of the car and pulls up a metal panel off the ground,"It's not carrying explosives. The whole compartment is the bomb." A large bomb with a timer sits in the flooring, slowly ticking down to detonation.

John's hands fly up to his head,"We need bomb disposal!"

"There may not be time for that now," Sherlock mutters.

I turn toward the doorway,"I will go get help then," I tell then. I try to flit to the surface...but nothing happens.

My eyes widen with fear.

"Sara?" John asks,"What's wrong?"

"I-I cannot use my powers," I stutter looking at my hands. I feel weak. What is causing this?

John starts to pace,"Jesus christ," he runs his hands through his hair and glances at the timer.

2 minutes left.

John turns to the sociopath who is checking the bomb, looking for a way to stop it. "So what do we do?"

Sherlock stops and sits back wide eyed,"I have no idea."

I grip my hair,"Well think of something!"

"Mind palace!" John suddenly exclaims. He walks to Sherlock and grips his shoulders, pulling him to stand,"Use your mind palace."

"How will that help?" Sherlock scoffs.

I groan at his attitude. Now is not the time. "You've sorted away every fact under the sun!" I tell him,"You must know something."

"Oh, do you think I've just got "How to defuse a bomb" tucked away in there somewhere?" he questions with his arms crossed.


He thinks about it then nods,"Maybe."

Sherlock squeezes his eyes shut and places his hands on the sides of his head, thinking hard.

After a few seconds he lets out a breath and opens his eyes,"I can't do it," he tells us. Looking at us with sad, fearful eyes,"I don't know how. Forgive me."

I cover my mouth. This can't be happening!

"What?" John gasps.

"Please, John," Sherlock pleads,"Forgive me for all the hurt that I caused you."

John shakes his head furiously,"No no no no. This is a trick."


"Another one of your bloody tricks!"

"No," Sherlock says again.

"You're just trying to make me say something nice," John accuses.

The sociopath shakes his head,"Not this time."

John glances at me then back to his friend,"I wanted you not to be dead."

"Yeah, well," he chuckles weakly,"Be careful what you wish for. If I hadn't come back you wouldn't be standing there. You'd still have a future. With Mary."

"Yeah," John looks down,"I know."

I stay silent. I am never going to see Tom again. My long life is finally coming to an end.

"Look, I find it difficult-" John clears his throat,"I find it difficult, this sort of stuff."

"I know."

John squeezes his eyes shut,"You are the best...and the wisest man that I have ever known. And yes, of course I forgive you," he opens his eyes and looks at me,"Sara, you are my oldest friend and I am grateful that you came into my life. You have gotten me through so much," he gulps,"If I am to die, I am glad I am going down with you two."

Tears come to my eyes and I smile sadly. I pull him into a tight hug.

Sherlock turns to me,"Sara."

I release John who stumbles away and leans against the car, eyes fixated on the timer.

I walk to Sherlock and wait for him to speak.

He takes my hands in his,"I have to know," he stares deeply into my eyes with his hypnotic blue eyes,"Do you love me back?"

I am at a loss for words. Of course I love him, I love all the Holmes. But I know that is not what he means.

I gulp and reach up to caress his cheek,"I do."

He smirks,"But you love me more than Tom, correct?"

I frown,"What does that-"

"10 seconds!" John tells us and closes his eyes tightly.

I narrow my eyes at the sociopath,"Sherlock..."

John makes a scared noise, and then there is silence.





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