Ch.42: Please!

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Chapter: 42

3rd person POV:

Sherlock strides into the building, not giving any fucks as he knows Moriarty is waiting for him.

"Ah, we are finally all present!" Moriarty claps from where he sits in a chair at the far side of the large warehouse. He stands and walks forward a few steps,"Now we can finish this."

Sherlock spies Sara to the right of Moriarty, she is on her knees with her hands behind her back but doesn't seem to be hurt. Tom stands behind her with an expression Sherlock cannot quite make out.

"Now, I believe you all deserve some answers, yes?"

Sherlock stands rooted in the same spot, eye analyzing the situation,"How are you alive?" he questions.

Moriarty chuckles as he paces the floor in front of him, waving his gun as he speaks,"That is the dying question." He glances to Sara,"I knew what you were. I knew before the court trial, the kidnappings, the faking of my death. You actually made all of this possible."

She frowns,"How so?"

"Well, once I found out vampires existed, I just couldn't stop myself from seeking one out," his eyes glinting with bloodlust,"All that power in one person. I wanted it for myself!"

Sara's eyes widen in horror.

Moriarty chuckles,"Yes. When searching your origin, I found a certain vampire through my contacts and made him turn me into one of you. I did this after my "death scene" by the way," he smirks at Sherlock,"I think I will let you figure out how I survived on the rooftop. Anywho, then I waited for Sherlock to come back because I knew he did not kill himself either, and I set my final game into motion. But I was throughly disappointed in you, Sherlock."

Sherlock glares hatefully at the physcopath,"Why?"

Moriarty is suddenly next to Sara and grips her by the throat, lifting her up into the air. "Because of her!" he snarls, his face inches from the vampiress,"You fell in love and ruined our game! You became like everyone else!" He throws Sara to the ground with enough force to knock the wind from her.

Tom rushes to her side to check for injuries then glares at Moriarty.

"I became a ripper and created the biggest, most exciting case you've had yet! But you were hopelessly outmatched," Moriarty reveals to Sherlock, his tone soft again,"I even thought that maybe if you were a vampire, then you would rise up to the challenge. BUT NO! YOU BECAME EVEN WEAKER!" he shouts suddenly, his eyes now a burning crimson color,"It's time to end this. I've grown bored of you, and you've already lost this game."

"I'm still alive aren't I?" Sherlock questions cooly,"This game is not over, not as long as I stand here!"

Moriarty laughs at him,"You are fighting a lost cause. I turned your friends against you, turned to brother against you, and I have you precious girlfriend under lock and key. You have no one."

Sherlock assesses the man before him. 'If Moriarty is truly the ripper that killed all those people, then he can't have much time left,' he thinks to himself,'I can tell he is a lot more unstable, his mind is leaving him. But what can I do? There are at least thirty humans here with their guns trained on me, Tom is apparently siding with Moriarty, and Sara has been captured. He is right...I am alone.'

Sherlock cocks his head to the side,"Why become a ripper?" he questions, choosing to keep Moriarty talking while he thinks up a plan. "You've nothing to gain from that."

Moriarty looks at him like he is stupid and chuckles insanely,"I have EVERYTHING to gain from it! I AM MORE POWERFUL! NOTHING CAN STAND IN MY WAY NOW!"

Sherlock narrows his eyes,"But don't you know?"

Moriarty settles down and frowns at him,"Know what?"

"Vampires who turn ripper always die!" Sara cuts in, glaring hatefully at the psychopath,"All of the blood they consume makes them go insane, or in your case even more insane."

Moriarty glares at her,"You lie! YOU ARE LYING!" he roars. Looking at Tom now,"You told me I would get stronger!"

Tom nods, stone faced,"I did, and it is true. You have gotten much stronger."

What Tom failed to mention to him, is that his mind would weaken as his body became stronger.

Moriarty growls and grips his head, unsure who to believe. He shakes his head vigorously,"ENOUGH!" he looks at Sherlock with a wide smile,"Time to end this, but first..." he slides his gaze to Sara,"I will kill your beloved."

Sherlock's eyes widen and he starts forward, only to be stopped by several of the humans cocking their guns at him. "NO! LET HER GO!" he shouts,"Your fight is with me, not her!"

Tom stands up from Sara's side, fury rolling off of him in waves. "That was not part of our deal!" he growls at Moriarty, eyes blazing.

Moriarty giggles insanely,"True, but she is Sherlock's greatest weakness, and the best way to hurt him is to hurt her."

Tom starts to charge toward him but Moriarty quickly raises his gun and shoots. Tom stumbles back a bit and looks down at his bullet wound. He then laughs and looks back to Moriarty,"You think a bullet is going to-" he cuts off, eyes widening as his face contorting in pain. A second later his eyes are rolling back and he falls to the ground unconscious.

Sara awkwardly shuffles to her friend on her knees,"Tom!" She looks up with wide eyes,"W-what did you do to him?"

Moriarty strokes his gun with a sadistic smile,"A highly concentrated dose of Darkwood. Puts a vampire to sleep and will kill if shot in the right place, like the head." He gestures to his men and Sara is grabbed and pulled away from Tom. They drag her in front of Moriarty and force her to kneel before the psychopath. Sara grits her teeth and glares up at him as he presses his gun to her forehead.

"Stop this!" Sherlock growls, taking a step forward despite the guns trained on him.

"No, no," Moriarty tuts, cocking his gun,"She will be dead by the time you get over here. Your speed will do you no good."

"Leave her be! ...Please!" Sherlock pleads, his eyes filled with fear as he glances between his girlfriend and Moriarty.

Sara gazes at Sherlock with watery eyes, giving a silent farewell.

His eyes have unshed tears in them,"...I'm sorry," he whispers.

Moriarty gives Sherlock a cheeky wink before pressing his gun harder to Sara's temple.

A tear streaks down her face and she closes her eyes.

A gunshot goes off.





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