Ch.72: How did this happen?

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Chapter 72:

Sara's POV:

"S-sara, I am so glad you are safe-"

"Save it!" I hiss at Tom.

The innocent look on his face disappears. "How much did you hear?"

"Enough." I cross my arms,"Have could you do this?!"

His eyes narrow and his entire demeanor changes from the man I thought I knew. His back straightens and he cocks his head to the side. "I really was hoping for this to go differently," he says in a deeper, more sinister voice,"You were never supposed to find out, Sara."

"So you were just going to kill Sherlock and expect us to live happily ever after?"

He smirks,"It would have worked. It will still work."


The Sherlock's eyes widen,"John! He's in a well." He strides to his brother but I step forward and hold him back.

I grip Sherlock's shoulder, not taking my eyes off his brother,"Go find him. I will take care of Tom."

"I'm not leaving you-"

I turn to glare at him,"You would be useless in a fight. The Darkwood in your veins will block your powers for hours. Tom won't hurt me." I smile softly,"I will be fine. Go."

He looks apprehensive but nods and rushes out of the house. I block Tom from getting through the doorway.

He narrows his eyes,"Don't do this, Sara."

I raise my fists,"You give me no choice." I charge at him with vampiric speed.

Our fight is more of a dance. Tom dodges and takes every hit I throw, but refuses to make any of his own. He doesn't want to hurt me, so he is taking the defense. This works, because all I need to do is buy some time.

"I injected you with Darkwood. How did you get your powers back?" Tom inquires as he ducks from my punch.

"Mycroft created a new drug that counteracts the effects."

Tom grunts as I slam him into a wall.

"Tell me, Tom. What did you do all those years after I left you?" I question as I throw a punch.

He dodges it and answers me. "I searched for you. I finally heard from Mycroft that you were in London with Sherlock, so I raced there and started planning."

I frown,"Mycroft?"

"I had to keep up appearances still. So I continued to work for him while I searched for you."

How did Mycroft not realize that he is a physcopath?

"I left because I thought I turned you into a monster... but you were already one," I murmur.

He frowns,"I am no monster. Is it a crime to love you?"

"It is if you kill people because of it!"

He sighs and ducks as I throw another punch. "Don't be like that. We will get through this, it's just a fight."

My eyes widen in disbelief. He is officially insane.

I guess my attention wandered for a moment because next thing I know, I am pinned onto my back with Tom hovering over me.

I struggle to get free but he has a tight hold on my wrists.

"Please stop. I don't want to hurt you," Tom pleads,"I know what I have done is wrong, but I cannot live without you, Sara. Don't you see that we are soulmates?"

I pause my struggles and try a different approach. "Tom, you need help," I tell him gently,"This... obsession, is unhealthy. I can help you, but you need to-"

His eyes harden,"I know what you are trying to do. I won't be brought in by lies!" He snarls.

I gulp,"I hate seeing you this way. Y-you are different."

He laughs softly and shakes his head,"Darling, I have always been this way. But I knew you would not approve, so I kept my true nature from you." He frowns,"In doing so I inadvertently pushed you away."

I frown confused,"What do you mean?"

"All those years ago, you left because you hated the monster you turned me into. You felt guilty... but that wasn't your fault," he reveals,"I was able to kill to my hearts content, and I used my vampirism as a cover. But in doing so, I made you guilty and pushed you away. Don't you see? It was my fault, not yours."

My eyes widen. H-he has been a monster from the very beginning. Killed Victor and Eurus, they weren't just in the way of his relationship with Sherlock... He has a bloodlust that cannot be quenched.

How many others has he killed? Before and after he was turned.

"Isn't this better?" Tom asks with a smile,"Everything out in the open, no more lies. We can start a fresh. How does that sound?"

"Wonderful. You can start a fresh in your very own jail cell," a voice echoes from the doorway.

My heart jumps a beat when I see who is there.

"Stay back, brother!" Tom snarls,"You are still no match for me."

Sherlock gazes at his brother with a sad expression,"Maybe not, but you cannot take on all of them." He steps aside and about two dozen men in SWAT team uniforms rush in and surround us, their guns pointed at Tom.

"Tom, stand down," Sherlock says softly.

Tom freezes above me, staring at his brothers with shock and betrayal written on his face. He blinks then slowly looks down at me.

I smile softly, tears welling up in my eyes,"Please, Tom."

He gulps and then his eyes widen. "W-what have I done?"

I watch as all the guilt resurfaces. He is finally realizing the stark reality of what he did and what the consequences are.

He closes his eyes and bows his head. His hands slowly release mine and he raises them in the air.

Two SWAT team members quickly apprehend him and cuff his wrists. Sherlock rushes over to help me up once Tom has been moved. He pulls me into a tight hug and I finally let my tears flow.

I then remember John and push away from Sherlock. "Wait! Did you find John? Is he safe?" I question.

Sherlock nods,"I found him in time. He is outside getting checked over by the medics."

I let out a relived sigh and fall back into his embrace. I don't know what will happen to Tom, but at least this is all over. Tom had orchestrated almost all of the dangers that have happened to us in the last few years, hopefully we will have some peace now.

I just... How did this happen? Tom was my best friend, my first real love, and now... now he is gone.


One chapter left!! I hope you guys liked this story :)




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