Ch. 50: Sherlock the dragon slayer

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Chapter 50:

Sara's POV:

I barge into the flat with fire in my eyes.

"Sherlock! What the hell did you do this time?!" I shout.

John was pacing by the fireplace when I stormed in. He simply pointed down the hall when he saw the look on my face.

I quickly make my way to Sherlock's room and slam open the door. "Sherlock-" My anger quickly fades once I see his bruised face. I slowly take a seat on his bed,"...What happened?" I ask in a softer tone.

He is laying on his bed and turns his back to me stubbornly.

I sigh,"Come on Sherlock. I just ran all the way here. Why did you break into someone's home?"

He turns and glares at me,"I did not-" he pauses,"I-I only broke in to capture the culprit of the Thatcher case."

I raise an eyebrow and look him over,"Well it looks like he beat you up and got away."

Sherlock turns over again. I sigh and turn him back,"What happened? How did he get the jump on you?"

He sits up and leans back against his headboard. "I found the location of another Thatcher bust so I broke in and waited for him to show. I thought the black pearl was in the bust and he was after it, that was the case Mycroft has been bugging me to take on," he explains.

I nod,"Was the pearl there?"

He looks down at his clenched hand,"No. This was." His hand opens and my breath catches in my throat.

It's the flash drive that Mary told us had all of her past on it.

I frown,"B-but John threw that into the fire, it was destroyed."

"I know."

"What is that then?"

He shakes his head,"I am going to ask Mary that."

I clench my hands into fists. I gave Mary a chance, one chance to prove she is truly our friend...and now this. She has become a close friend of mine, I hope she has not been lying to us... for her sake. She shot the love of my life once already, I will not stand by and let her do it again.

I stand,"Well let's get going then. The sooner we talk to her the better."

He nods and goes to stand but I stop him,"First, tell me how you got so beat up."

He glowers at me but lets out a sigh,"Fine! I couldn't control my powers and ended up tripping. He got away and managed to shoot me." He lifts his bloody shirt to show me his almost healed bullet wound.

I let out a sigh,"Sherlock, you really need to stop getting shot," I scold,"This weekend we are training our powers. No buts!"

He looks like he wants to argue but thinks better of it. He stands, quickly changing his shirt for a clean one then strides to the door. "Let's go."


Sherlock leads me to an old church, one of his many hidden spots founded by his network of homeless people I presume. He fills me in on the details of the fight as we light a couple candles and wait for Mary to arrive.

We sit in a brooding silence until it is finally broken by the sound of footsteps nearing the church. Mary then enters the building.

"I am an idiot. I know nothing," Sherlock says softly, bowing his head.

Mary smiles and pockets her phone,"Well, I've been telling you that for ages," she glances at me then back to my boyfriend,"That was quite a text you sent me. What's going on, Sherlock?"

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