Ch.44: A traumatic experience

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Chapter 44:

2 months later:

Sara's POV:

Things have finally gotten back to normal at Baker street and i'm as happy as can be. Mary is getting closer to her due date everyday and the boys and I have gone back to solving cases. Everything has calmed down since Moriarty was dealt with...but I fear that something bad is bound to happen soon. Our lives never seem to stay serene for long, but that should be expected for a vampire like me.

I let out a sigh and roll onto my side. I reach out, only to find the spot next to me in bed to be empty.

Where has he gone off to now?

A loud bang from the other room answers my question. With another sigh I roll out of bed and walk out of the room.

"Jesus! What the hell are you doing?" I hear John shout,"Why are you even awake? "

"That is what I'm wondering," I say as I round the corner into the kitchen. I cross my arms and await a response.

Sherlock is in the kitchen with various things littering the table and ground. Wood, stones, some metal parts. The place is an absolute mess.

John is standing next to me in the doorway with grocery bags in hand. He usually picks up food for us since both Sherlock and I tend to forget to eat actual food, and we refuse to go to a store. Hah! Imagine two vampires going to a Tesco to pick up weekly groceries.

Sherlock drops the large stone he is holding and it makes a rather loud thump as it lands on the table. He looks at me apprehensively,"...I never went to sleep."

I frown,"But you came to bed with me."

"I stayed until you fell asleep because I knew you would disapprove of my actions."

I nod,"You are right about that."

He groans,"I was just experimenting!"

"With what?" John asks as he gazes around the room with a confused expression. 

I study the bits and pieces that litter the ground,"You were experimenting with your strength again I assume."

He nods,"With all the cases as of late I have not had time to properly experiment with my limits." He picks of a thick piece of metal and bends it into a U shape. He studies it with a smirk,"Rather impressive, don't you think?"

I roll my eyes,"You don't need to hide things from me, Sherlock. If anything you should ask for my input since I have been a vampire longer than you."

John clears his throat,"Well, since your both awake this early for once," he lifts his bags and smiles,"Breakfast anyone?"


"So how is Mary doing?" I ask, taking a sip from my coffee. We are sitting in the other room having breakfast.

John takes a moment to swallow his food before answering. "Good, she's good. Getting closer to her due date everyday, excited, anxious as well."

I smile,"I would be terrified. Mary is strong though, you will both be great parents."

His phone sounds an alert. Sighing, he takes it from his pocket and looks at the screen. His eyes widen,"Oh God."

Sherlock looks up from his meal,"Mary?"

"Fifty-nine missed calls."

My fork clatters onto my plate,"Oh shit."

We are then all on our feet. "John, we will meet you at your place after we change," I tell him as I make my way to mine and Sherlock's room.

John nods and rushes out of the flat. Sherlock follows me and we quickly change out of our pajamas.

"Excited?" Sherlock questions.

"Eh, a little," I answer as I pull my shirt over my head,"I am more excited to see the little booger, not so much the act of her being born."

"Not to worry, you and I will be in the waiting room when the baby is being born," Sherlock says as he buttons up his shirt,"Besides, child birth takes hours. Once we get them settled in the hospital we can come back to the flat until she is ready to give birth."

I smile,"Your right."


"Ow! Oh my God. Oh my God!" Mary groans.

We are currently in the back of John's car while he drives us to the hospital. Mary is sitting in-between Sherlock and I, clutching at her stomach and breathing hard.

"Relax," John tells her from the front seat,"Just remember to breath."

"I know how to breath!" Mary snaps at him.

I bite my lip to keep from giggling. "J-just... think about something else," I tell her and awkwardly pat her shoulder. I really am not good with type of thing.

Suddenly Mary has my hand in a death grip. She slides her gaze to me and I honestly feel scared. "Think. About. Something. Else?" she bites out.

I gulp.

"Relax, darling," John tells her again,"We are almost there."

"Just drive! Please, God, just drive! God, drive!" Mary shouts and releases my hand. 

I glance around her and see Sherlock typing away on his phone. He's been on it a lot lately, much easier to solve pointless cases over text than in person, also he can avoid going out during the day.

"Sherlock!" John snaps after glancing back to see his friend doing nothing.

My boyfriend glances up and then looks at Mary,"That's it, Mary," he says half-assed,"Re-"

"Don't you start!" Mary all but snarls.

Sherlock frowns,"...Lax."

Moments later his face is squashed hard against the car window by Mary's hand.

I cover my mouth to stop from laughing, but fail to do so and seconds later I am also pinned against my window.

"Ow," I grunt, making a note to never anger a pregnant woman again.

"John?" Mary groans out as she braces herself against sherlock and I. "John, I think you have to pull over."


"Pull Over!" she screams and clutches at her belly again.

Sherlock looks down towards Mary's legs and his mouth falls open, his eyes widen in horror. "Oh my God."

I feel myself start to get sick at what I'm seeing. I frantically try to open my door but it is locked. "Ah! Let me out!" I shout.

Mary screams and then sobs. John glances over his shoulder and starts to finally pull the car to the kerb as Mary continues to scream.

I cover my eyes,"I saw a head!"

"Dear god."


Updates might come a bit slower because I am currently swamped with college, but I will try to update as soon as possible. I've also been trying to work on another story...been working on it for quite awhile actually but I'm finally getting around to putting it together. It is a Tom Hiddleston AU fanfic, it also has a bunch of other people like Benedict Cumberbatch included in it. So let me know if you would be interested in reading it :)




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