Ch.16: The wedding

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Chapter 16:

Sara's POV:

The wedding ceremony went good. A bit boring, but I guess it was good because many of the people attending were crying their eyes out and saying how beautiful it was.

I was picked to be Mary's maid of honor surprisingly. I think I was more shocked than Sherlock was when he found out he was John's best man. I have known Mary for a couple years now, but it's not like we are the best of friends. I hadn't seen her or John for the better part of a year and half before Sherlock came back from the dead. I'm flattered though, Mary is a nice girl and I'm happy for her and John.

Down side of being the maid of honor, I had responsibilities like Sherlock. Mine dealt more with the bridezilla on her wedding day.


Flashback to this morning:


I wince at the sound of Mary's shouts. She is chewing out the girl that brought her dress but forgot her veil apparently. This is already the third heart attack Mary has almost had. First it was her dress not fitting right, then it was her bouquet of flowers being ruined by someone sitting on them, and now this.

I let out a sigh and stand,"Do not worry," I tell Mary,"I will handle it." Just as I handled all the other issues. They better be damn glad that I am a vampire, otherwise this wedding would be falling apart.

I walk out of the room and make sure I am out of sight, I then flit to the dress store and quickly find her veil then rush back to Mary's flat before anyone notices I was gone.

I walk into Mary's room with a fake smile,"I found it!" I announce,"Someone left it downstairs by accident."

Mary sighs in relief,"Oh Sara, what would I do without you?" she rushes to me and pulls me into a tight hug.

I awkwardly pat her back,"Okay, let's get this show back on the road."

I don't hate Mary for being such a bridezilla, she is pregnant after all. I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know yet, and I don't want to spoil the surprise. It only took me a minute to notice her mood swings, and then the most obvious sign was the extra little heartbeat I heard coming from her.

We continue getting ready without anymore issues.

I brush down my lavender dress and look at myself in the mirror. Mary walks up from behind me and smiles at me through the mirror,"You look beautiful," she tells me.

I smile,"So do you. Are you ready for your big day?"

She nods, looking very excited and a little nervous,"I am. I am so ready."

We stand in silence a moment.

"So how are you doing, with Tom not attending?"

I turn to look at her,"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I ask.

She shrugs,"He's been gone for month and a half. I know you are missing him."

I gulp,"I do miss him, but he is needed elsewhere. I have lived a decade without him, this is nothing."

"...How are you and Sherlock?"

I was afraid this would come up. John has told Mary about mine and Sherlock's...awkward relationship. Though neither of them know about the kiss.

"We are fine," I tell her,"We have continued like before, friends that solve crime together."

"Isn't it awkward to be his date though?" she inquires.

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