Ch.69: Redbeard

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My all-time favorite chapter that I have written :) Enjoy.

Chapter 69:

3rd person POV:

Sherlock lets out a groan as he starts to regain consciousness. He opens his eyes and finds himself in a small, dark, room. Tom lays a foot away from him, still unconscious.

"Tom," Sherlock calls out as he slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes. His head is swimming and his body feels weak. 'Must have been injected with Darkwood,' he thinks.

Tom groans and blinks open his eyes,"...What- where are we?" he questions groggily.

Sherlock shakes his head and stands,"I don't know. Do you have your powers?"

Tom sits up slowly, his face contorted in pain,"...No."

Sherlock grunts,"Darkwood. I thought as much."

'...Sherlock?' a voice whispers.

He looks around wildly and shouts,"John!"

'Yeah,' John answers louder.

Sherlock then realizes his voice is coming from an earpiece he hadn't known he was wearing. Tom has one as well. "Where are you?" Sherlock questions his friend.

'I don't know. I've just woken up,' John says,'Where are you?'

"I'm in another room. Tom is with me," he says.

"Is Sara or Mycroft with you?" Tom questions John.

'I have no idea. I can hardly see anything.' He then calls out,'Sara? Mycroft?'

Sherlock runs his hands over his face, looking worried when there's no reply. "Are you okay?" He asks instead.


"All right. Well, just keep exploring," Sherlock decides,"Tell me anything you can about where you are."

Tom and Sherlock start to examine the room they are in. It is very small, about the size of a small bedroom. It's empty except for a table and small lantern for light.

'The walls are ... rough. They're rock, I guess,' John tells them as he examines his own surroundings.

"What are you standing on?" Sherlock questions.

'Uh, stone, I think. ...But listen, there's about two feet of water.' He lets out a breathily groan and squeezes his eyes shut,'Chains. Yeah, my feet are chained up.' He takes another breath to calm himself then says,'I can feel something.' John curses softly,'Bones, Sherlock. There are bones in here.'

Sherlock sees something under the table and turns to look at it.

"What kind of bones?" Tom asks as he examines one of the walls. There is no door but there must be some sort of exit.

'Uh, I dunno. S-small.'

Sherlock lifts up a dogbowl and holds it in both hands as he looks at it in shock. Painted on the side of the bowl is one word.

Sherlock gulps and says softly,"Redbeard."

'Sherlock?' John's voice echoes through the earpiece,'I'm in a well. That's where I am; I'm in the bottom of a well.'

Sherlock sets the bowl down on the table and frowns,"Why would there be a well in an asylum?"

"I don't think we are at the asylum anymore," Tom murmurs, staring at something.

Sherlocks walks over to him and sees that he is looking at a gap between the floor and wall.

They glance at each other before raising both hands and pushing against the wall in front of them. The entire wall falls outwards and drops to the ground outside. In front of them is a very familiar burnt house.

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