Ch.60: You cock

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Chapter 60:

3rd person POV:

Sara, John, and Tom are currently in a dim hospital room. Sherlock lies on a bed with an assortment of machines connected to him. He still hasn't woken since the fight with John.

Sara stands next to the bed, an anxious look on her face.

"It's going to be alright, Sara," John assures her.

She sighs and crosses her arms,"Every moment he is here, he is in danger. The doctors might find something wrong with his blood, he might wake up and attack someone, he-"

John puts a hand on her shoulder,"He will be fine," he assures her. "He is in no condition to hurt anyone, and Culverton has given us full disclosure on what goes on in this room. As far as anyone knows, Sherlock has done some nasty drugs and they are cleaning his blood of it. Besides, I'm sure doctors won't know what vampire blood looks like."

Sara goes to say something but a nurse walks into the room.

"Oh, hi," She greets them, looking a bit surprised that someone is still here at this time of night. She walks to Sherlock's side and checks his vitals. "Just in to say hello?" She asks them.

John shakes his head,"No. I'm just in to say goodbye."

The nurse smiles,"I'm sure he'll pull through. He's made a terrible mess of himself, but he's awfully strong, so must look on the bright side."

Sara bites her lip and gazes down at her boyfriend. He looks like a mess. Bruises cover his face still since his fast healing is weakened from the poisonous blood he has been consuming.

Tom lays a comforting hand on her shoulder and gives her a soft smile.

John clears his throat,"Well..." he walks towards a chair near the bed and leans his cane against it. He had skipped back to his place for it while Sherlock was being set up in his room. "Parting gift," John adds as the nurse gives a strange look.

The nurse smiles,"Oh, that's nice. A walking stick."

Sara stares at it sadly, knowing the meaning behind it.

John nods,"Yeah, it was mine from... a long time ago." He lets out a sigh and looks to Sara and Tom. "I'm going to head out."

Sara frowns,"Are you sure?"

John nods,"Yeah. ...I think it's for the best."

Tom reaches over and gives his shoulder a pat,"It was nice to see you again, John."

Doctor Watson gives him a weak smile,"Yes, if only under better circumstances." He gives Sara a smile then heads for the door.

The phone to the room rings and the nurses picks it up. "Hello? Ward seventy-three." She pauses a moment then calls out to John who has just walked out the door. "Oh, uh, Doctor Watson?"

He re-enters the room,"Hm?"

"It's for you."

John frowns, then makes an exasperated sound. He walks further into the room and grabs the phone from the nurse. "Hello, Mycroft."

'There's a car downstairs,' Mycroft says,'Oh, it's for you two as well.' He calls out, knowing that his brother and Sara are listening.

Sara frowns and glances at Tom. He gives a sigh,"Let's go see what my brother wants."


A dozen agents are milling about 221b. They are scouring the messy flat while Mycroft Holmes sits in his younger brother's chair and watches.

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