Ch.56: You've done it this time

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Chapter 56:

Sara's POV:

This case has turned into something a lot bigger then we first thought. It has been weeks since I left England and it doesn't look like I am going to be making it back anytime soon.

The shifter has been a bitch at tracking down, but we think that we have finally found the place he has been hiding out in. We plan to explore his base tonight and hopefully find the bastard so we can end this.

It hasn't been all that bad though. I love being back with Sam and Dean, I hadn't realized how much I had missed them with all the excitement back in England. Castiel is a different story. He doesn't trust Tom or I, and frankly I don't trust him that much either. He is a stranger, and from the stories Sam has told me he hasn't always been there for the brothers. I'm keeping my eye on that angel.

Tom has been getting along quite well with the Winchesters, which I am not too surprised about. He has that type of personality that makes him hard to dislike. I am glad I gave him another chance. What he did with Moriarty was wrong, but I know he did it for good reasons. Since then he has more than redeemed himself, to the point that even Sherlock seems to be giving him a chance.

I think about Sherlock and John everyday. I have kept an eye on John through the cameras I planted, and he seems to be the same. He is still talking to what I can only guess is an imaginary Mary, but he is seeing his therapist and has even gone back to work. Molly still takes care of the baby most days, but she has assured me that John has slowly been helping more.

Sherlock's whereabouts are unknown to me, but I am sure he is doing fine. Throwing himself into his work is probably the best for him right now.


Tom peaks his head into my room,"Sara, are you ready?"

I nod and stand,"Yes."

We are soon piled into the back of the beautiful black Impala and are on our way to the location of our shifter.

I love riding in Baby, too bad the experience is ruined by a certain angel. Dean and Sam are hogging the seats up front, so it's Tom, me, and Castiel in the back.

"Would you stop glaring?! I am not going to bite you," I growl at Castiel. I drew the short straw and got sat in the middle.

He crosses his arms and looks out the window.

I roll my eyes and let out an annoyed groan.

"Hey!" Dean calls from the front,"Knock it off back there."

I narrow my eyes and kick at his seat. He glances back and gives me a death glare before turning away.

After an excruciatingly long drive, we finally make it to our destination. We tracked the shifter away from the city to an abandoned farm. As far as we know he still has the missile plans, but that doesn't mean that he is here alone.

"I don't sense anyone in the immediate area," I tell the Winchesters,"I think we should be okay."

Dean nods and cocks his gun,"Let's split up then. There is too much ground to cover if we stay as a group."

I nod. Tom seems unsure, but nods as well.


Tom's POV:

This dangerous. We are fighting a creature who can shape-shift and they decide to split up. If Sara gets hurt they will never see the light of day! Sara may trust them, but don't. They are hunters and we are the monsters. I know from experience that we cannot coexist. The sooner we can be done here and away from them the better.

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