Ch.52: 'So many lies. I don't just mean you'

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Chapter 52:

3rd person POV:

'So many lies. I don't just mean you.'


John is currently riding a bus back to Baker street. Lestrade has a case apparently.

A few seats away sits a red-haired woman. She glances at John and gives him a flirty smile.

John catches her eye then looks away, smiling to himself. He looks toward the woman again.

She smiles and licks her lips then bites her lower lip.

John clears his throat and looks away. He gets off the bus and looks into the side window of the bus, seeing his reflection and the toy flower tucked behind his ear.

John groans,"Oh, shit."

He takes the flower from his ear and sighs as the bus pulls away. He turns, and the woman from the bus is standing beside him, smiling.

"Hello," she says in a Scottish accent.

John looks a little surprised,"Ah. Hello."

"I like your daisy," she tells him.

John chuckles embarrassed,"Thank you. It's not really me, though, I don't think."


"No, it's too floral for me," he tells her, then jokes,"I'm more of a knackered-with-weary-old-eyes kind of guy."

"Well, I think they're nice," she pauses, looking a little shy,"Nice eyes."

John laughs,"Thank you!" He has a look of disbelief. Unbelieving that this pretty woman is flirting with him.

The woman looks down,"L-Look... I don't normally do this but, um ..." she starts to rummage in her handbag. She then pulls out a piece of paper and scribbles down her number. She holds it out to John.

"What's this?" He asks, still unsure if she is actually flirting with him.

"This is me." She hands him the paper and backs away, smiling nervously and rubbing the back of her head.

John stares at the paper with wide eyes,"T-Thank you."

The woman turns away quickly. "Bye!" She calls.

"Bye...." He stares after her, frowning in mild disbelief, then looks down at the paper and smiles. He turns and walks in the opposite direction but then stops, looking at the paper again and still smiling. He puts down his briefcase and takes his phone from his pocket. Unlocking it, he sees his screensaver picture of him sitting on the sofa at home with his arm around his wife who is cradling their newborn daughter. They are both smiling, looking like a happy family.

He looks up, grimacing, and takes a couple of steps to a nearby garbage bin. He goes to throw the paper away, but then hesitates.


It's night now. John and Mary are both in bed, trying to get some sleep before the baby starts crying again.

"You'd think we'd have noticed when she was born," Mary mumbles, her eyes closed as she lays in bed half asleep.

"Hm? Noticed what?" John asks with a yawn, keeping his eyes closed as well.

"The little '666' on her forehead."

John chuckles,"How did we miss it?"

From the next bedroom, Rosie starts to cry. John opens his eyes and lifts his head slightly and they both look in the direction of the sound. John groans and drops his head back onto the pillow. Mary throws back her side of the duvet and gets up.

"Coming, darling," she soothes.

John yawns and rubs his eyes. On his bedside table, his phone buzzes an incoming message. He rolls over and picks up the phone. John looks at his phone and frowns at the message.

E: It's been too long.

John looks across the room towards Rosie's bedroom as Mary continues to try and soothe the crying baby. He then replies to E.

John: I know. Sorry.

After a few moments, the reply comes back:

E: Miss you.

John pauses then glances at the time.

John: You're up late.

John watches the door, making sure Mary isn't coming back yet.

E: Or early.

John: Night owl?

E: Vampire

John smirks then slowly frowns as he contemplates the message. Knowing that vampires are real, he is unsure if she is joking.

"Oh, you're not gonna stop crying, are you?" Mary coos from the other room,"I know. Shall we go see Daddy?"

Quickly typing and sending one last message.

John: :)

John rolls over and puts the phone face down on the bedside table.

Mary then walks into the room,"Look, it's Daddy!" she says to Rosie.

John sits up,"I'll take her."

Mary hands him the baby. He holds her close and rocks her. "Come here, darling. It's all right." He kisses the baby's cheek and Mary gets back into bed.


It's daytime. John is sitting on another bus. He starts a new message in his phone.

John: This isn't a good idea.
I'm not free.
Things won't end well.
It was nice to get to know you a little.

He pauses and gets off the bus, then adds to his message.

I'm sorry.

Sighing, he sends the message. He looks around and sees that the mystery woman is sitting on the bus stop bench smiling at him. John smiles and her own smile widens. John grimaces a bit, and looks down at his phone and the sent message, then looks across to the woman again.

John how could you?! Ugh I was furious when watching this scene. Cheating really makes me rage, like you have no idea.

Okay, so I didn't add this to make you all hate on John...well I did... but also to add to the feels later on. I still love my little hedgehog, but he has definitely lost my respect.




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