Ch.71: Why?

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Chapter 71:

3rd person POV:


"You know why."

Sherlock glares at the person before him,"So, all this time, I was right about you."

Laughter answers him. "Don't give yourself so much credit. You were only jealous and intimidated by me."

"I TRUSTED YOU!" Sherlock roars,"When everyone was against me, you were there! You were on my side. But I will ask again. Why, Tom?" Sherlock growls,"I know this was some scheme to get Sara. Kill me off maybe. But I want to know why you went through all this trouble. Building this Eurus character and having Mycroft and I believe she was our sister, putting John in a well. Why go through all this?"

"I wanted to play with you a bit before I killed you."

Sherlock clenches his hands into fists,"What really happened all those years ago?"

Tom produces a remote and turns off the screen containing fake Eurus. "As children, you and I were very close. We had a connection that Mycroft could not compete with, you were my favorite brother and I was yours." A dark look crosses his features,"But then Eurus and Victor started to get close to you. I couldn't have that."

Sherlock gulps,"...What did you do?"

"Eurus was a strange child... but I assume I was a big influence on that. I have the ability to pursaude anyone to do almost anything, and her being a child just made it that much easier." A sick smile lights up his features as he recalls the past. "I gave her attention, made her feel special, all so she would trust me. She did everything I told her to do, like trapping Victor in that well."

'He orchestrated it all,' Sherlock's eyes widen in horror.

"After he was gone, I put her in there as well. She was a strong little thing, survived for seven days," he cocks his head to the side in thought,"May have resorted to some canabilism, would have been the smart way to survive-"

"STOP IT!" Sherlock shouts, gripping his hair,"Stop talking about this so casually! YOU KILLED OUR SISTER!"

"I did! I did it for you!" Tom shouts. He runs his hand over his face and sighs,"I thought things would go back to the way they used to be...but I was wrong," Tom's face is dark,"Mummy and Daddy were so depressed, all they ever talked about was her. You became a shell of former yourself and pushed away everyone, even me. She was gone, but I couldn't get rid of her constant, annoying, memory. So I burned this place to the ground. And it worked." He is smiling once again. "We moved and our parents never spoke of her again, more so to keep to horrible truth from you. You and I became close again... and then Sara came along." A dreamy look crosses his face,"She was beautiful, I knew I had to have her."

"Are we just toys to you?!" Sherlock shouts,"We are aren't we? Back then I was your doll, and you would kill anyone who wanted to play with me. Then you moved onto Sara."

"I wish you and I could have the same relationship we once did, I really do," Tom says, eyes soft, looking like he usually does instead of this insane psychopath. "But Sara is my soulmate. You chose to stand in my way," his eyes narrow,"So I will do all in my power to end you. Jim failed me twice, and then Culverton," he lets out an annoyed sigh,"It seems what they say is true. If you want something done right, then you have to do it yourself."

"...Moriarty?" Sherlock's eyes widen a fraction,"You ordered him to kill me?."

Tom shrugs,"Well, ordered is a strong word. I met him through a 'friend' and we realized we shared similar interests. This was just before the bank heist, prison break thing by the way."

The air leaves Sherlock's lungs,"...That long ago?"

Tom nods with a smirk,"I helped plan everything hence forth. You were meant to die on that rooftop," His smiles drops,"But somehow you survived. I turned Moriarty into a vampire days before, knowing how unpredictable you can be... though you jumping was not something I had anticipated."

"So you then moved in on Sara because I was out of the picture."

"Yes." Tom's eyes redden as he glares at his brother,"But then you had to pop back up. So Jim and I starting planning once again. That imbecile ruined everything though!"

Sherlock notes that his brother's mental state is different. More erratic and bipolar.

"He went back on our deal and almost killed Sara as well. I took time to regroup after that, then I introduced you to deadman blood, and gained the help of Culverton. Those both failed me. So after that I decided I would have to be the one to get rid of you myself."

"You do realize how insane that sounds, don't you?" Sherlock questions,"If I die, who is to say that Sara won't find someone else?"

Tom's eyes flare with rage,"SHE WILL BE MINE!" he roars. He stops and takes a deep breath to calm himself before addressing his brother. "Once you are out of the picture, Sara will be able to focus only on me and we will be together again."

'He is obsessed with her. How could he have hid this for so long? Keeping up his gentleman facade, fooling everyone... even me,' Sherlock thinks to himself.

'Sherlock. I hate to interrupt, but THE WATER IS RISING!' John shouts.

"Stop this! Stop this now!" Sherlock shouts at his brother, charging forward to attack. However, he just runs through air.

"You cannot beat me, brother," Tom taunts, appearing behind Sherlock,"There is enough Darkwood in your system to restrain your powers for the next few hours. The only way you might save your friend is if you play my game."

Sherlock glares at his brother,"I won't let you win. I will not let a psychopath like you near Sara!"

"Oh I think I can take care of myself," a new voice echoes from the doorway.

Tom feels the blood drain from his face. "...Sara?"


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