Ch.10: Hello brother

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Chapter 10:

Sara's POV:

I don't hear anything from John over the next day, but I'm not worried. He and Mary are most likely enjoying being engaged, if you know what I mean.

Tom and I are heading to Bart's hospital to grab some more blood bags. Molly gives them to us, she thinks we are using them for experiments...stupid girl. We could just go hunting, but I know Tom isn't comfortable with that and I try not to kill in England, Mycroft would have my head otherwise.

Staring up at the hospital, I feel a rush of emotion as this was where Sherlock killed himself.

"Are you alright?" Tom asks me, holding my hand.

I gulp and nod,"Um..can you wait here for me? I'll get the blood, it'll just be a sec."

He frowns but nods. I turn to walk inside but he stops me by grabbing my hand,"How about we go to dinner afterward?" he suggests with a smile,"My treat."

I smile back,"Sure." He lets me go and I walk inside and down to the morgue.

It is dark. Strange. Usually Molly leaves it really bright down here so it seems less depressing. I hope she did not forget that we were meeting tonight.

"Molly?" I call out. I sense someone here, but I cannot distinguish who because of the lack of blood in my system.

I round a corner and see a dark figure across the room, they are facing away from me. Looks like a man.

I ready myself in case of a fight,"Who are you? Where is Molly?" I question.

"She left," he says in a deep voice,"I was told I could find you here."

My body starts to shake. T-that voice...

He slowly turns around and tears come to my eyes. He smiles softly, looking exactly like he did before he died. "It is good to see you, Sara."

I break down and rush into his arms. "How are you alive?!" I sob.

He holds me close and nuzzles his face into my neck,"It was the only way to keep you and John safe," he murmurs,"They would have killed you had I not faked my death."

I clench his coat,"You let me believe you were dead for two years!" I growl, feeling anger rise within me.

He holds me tighter,"I was getting rid of the rest of Moriarty's contacts across the world. It had to be done," he sighs,"I am so sorry to have put you through that."

I close my eyes and breath in his scent. It's really him. Sherlock Holmes is alive.

I break down again, feeling all the resolve I've had over the years disappear in seconds.

He holds me and waits until I calm down.


"Have you seen John yet?" I ask him.

We are now sitting in the lab talking.

He nods and points to the bandaid on his chin,"Yes, and he gave me this. I am so glad your reaction was different."

I giggle,"You are lucky, I could have killed you if I went off like John did," my eyes widen,"Please tell me you didn't go to him at dinner?"

He makes a guilty face. I smack his shoulder,"Oh come on! He was going to propose."

"And how was I supposed to know?!"

I roll my eyes and chuckle,"You sure deserved that and more."

He grunts and wraps his arm around me.

I glance at him oddly. He frowns,"What?"

"...You are acting different," I tell him,"You are being awfully...touchy."

He stares at me a moment in silence,"...I meant what I said that day," he tells me softly.

I frown confused.

"When I told you that I loved you."

My eyes widen. With all that has happened, my mind hadn't even paused to consider what he really meant.

He continues,"You know how I feel about...emotions," his eyes narrow at the word,"But I have come to realize, that I would do anything to keep you safe. These...feelings, only drive me, not slow me down like I had once thought. You put up with all my craziness, you give me space when I want it, you support my decisions, and you aren't an utter imbecile like all the others."

I am so entranced by his words that I tune out everything but him. I never thought he would feel this way.

He caresses my face,"I love you Sara Knightly." He leans in and I am too dazed to process what he is about to do.


A voice saves me.

"Darling, where are you?"

Sherlock backs up and drops his hand, hurt filling his eyes,"...Darling?" he croaks.

I open my mouth but nothing comes out.

Tom walks into the room and smiles when he sees me,"There you are. I was starting to worry because you were taking so long..." he trails off when he spots Sherlock.

The sociopath slowly stands,"...Thomas?" Sherlock breaths, looking like he has seen a ghost. He stumbles back a step and gulps,"Thomas...Holmes?"

Tom gulps,"Hello, brother."



Okay, so I know that the third Holmes brother's name is Sherrinford or something, but I had already used Tom's name so I'm keeping it that way. Makes it easier to picture Tom Hiddleston anyway :)

Man, I really hope that Tom does show up in the next season of Sherlock. That would be amazing!

Oh by the way, if you haven't watched the Sherlock parody by Hillywood yet, you should it was great!

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