Ch.31: Oh, for God's sake

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Chapter 31:

We stand near a private jet on an empty runway, saying our goodbyes.

After we were arrested Mycroft did all in his power to save his brother. If it wasn't for him, Sherlock may have gotten a death sentence. Mycroft was able to make a deal with the higher-ups, a punishment for Sherlock that wouldn't harm him or have him in jail for the rest of his life. He would be banned from ever coming back to England.

John and I argued over this, but there was nothing we could say or do that would allow him to stay. So now it is time for Sherlock to take his leave.

"I am going with him," I tell John with a sad smile,"Someone's got to keep him out of trouble."

He sighs and nods,"I expected as much. I knew if he couldn't stay then you would go after him."

"Time to go, Sara," Mycroft tells me.

I give John and Mary one last hug each before boarding the plane.

I sit silently next to Sherlock, waiting for the plane to take flight.

"You don't have to come. I'm not child, you know," Sherlock's baritone voice breaks through the silence.

I crack a smile and glance at the man sitting next to me,"Are you sure you aren't a child? Because I'm pretty sure you compared yourself to one when John and Mary found out they were pregnant."

"Sara," he says in a warning tone.

I sigh,"Sherlock, I have lived for centuries and the most fun I have had, has been with you. I love you and will follow you to the ends of the earth if you will have me," I tell him,"I'm done running away."

He studies me with his clear blue eyes,"...And what about when I grow old? What will you do then?"

I look down,"Sherlock, we've been over this before-"

"I know! And look at what has happened since. I have almost died multiple times!" he grabs my hands,"I know how this sounds, but I am more afraid of losing you than I am afraid of death. I don't care about living for centuries, but if it means I can stay with you longer, then I will do whatever means nessasary."

I stare into his eyes and see only the truth. I know what he says is true... but that is not my concern. Sherlock has an addictive personality. I just don't know how he would handle craving blood. He could become a monster.

We are now in the air, heading toward our destination.

I raise my hand to caress his face,"Sherlock..."

Suddenly, his phone starts to ring. He grumbles annoyed and answers the device.

"What is it?"

'How is the exile going?' Mycroft's voice comes from the speaker.

Sherlock scoffs,"We've only been gone four minutes."

'Well, I certainly hope you've learned your lesson. As it turns out, you and Sara are needed.'

"Oh, for God's sake," I grab the phone,"Make up your mind. Who needs us this time?" I question his brother.



Okay so I have caught up with the seasons so far and I will continue on with the storyline when the new season comes out in January, but for now I am going to go off on my own story arc. Can't keep you guys waiting ;)




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