Ch.5: He looks sad?

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Chapter 5:

Two weeks after the trial and we have continued on with cases.

A kidnapping just occurred and we are now on our way to the crime scene.

We exit the cab and meet up with Lestrade.

"That is Miss Mackenzie," the inspector points out,"She was the only one here when the kidnapping occurred."

Sherlock storms over to the woman and proceeds to shout at her,"Miss Mackenzie, you're in charge of pupil welfare, yet you left this place wide open last night! What are you? An idiot, a drunk or a criminal?! Now quickly! Tell me!" he shouts and rips the blanket from the poor old woman's shoulders.

She gasps in fright,"All the doors and windows were properly bolted. No one—not even me—went into their room last night. You have to believe me!"

Sherlock suddenly smiles and pats her shoulder,"I do. I just wanted you to speak quickly," he then shouts to the officers,"Miss Mackenzie will need to breathe into a bag now."

I try to contain my giggles at the scene while John just shakes his head. He is used to this.

We follow Sherlock through the dormitory and to the room the boy slept in. Sherlock eyes the room and looks toward the door, saying the child would have seen every silhouette that passed it.

I meanwhile examine the room further and follow a strange scent under the bed.

"Sherlock?" I call as I pull out a bottle of linseed oil.

He walks over and takes it, he smiles and shouts,"Anderson, I need black light, now!"

I look over the books on the bedside table,"Spy books. This kid is smart." I can see the footprints even though it is under normal light.

I follow them out of the room while the others are setting up the black lights.

"It stops here," I tell Sherlock from the hallway.

He joins me as I stare at the floor. Anderson pauses what he is doing and looks at me with disbelief,"There is no way you can see any tracks without the black light!" he accuses.

I raise an eyebrow and grab the light from him. I turn it on and point it at my feet where I was staring. His jaw drops and Sherlock smirks at me.

I hand Anderson the light and pat his shoulder as I walk away to find John.

"So much more competent than John," Sherlock mumbles happily to himself.

I smile and lean against a wall with Watson and wait for Sherlock to examine the prints I found.

"Well, now what?" Anderson questions us with his arms crossed,"The prints stop here. This is a dead lead."

"Think not so rashly," I tisk and crouch on the ground next to Sherlock,"With these we can find out everywhere this man has been."

Sherlock nods and starts picking at the floor,"It is like a map that will lead us straight to the kidnapper," he smiles with me.

John crouches next to us,"Having fun?"

"Starting to," Sherlock murmurs.

"Maybe don't do the smiling so much, there are two kids missing still," he reminds us.

I roll my eyes at him and use my nail to easily pick a piece of the wood off the ground,"We will get them in time, John. No need to worry." I raise the wood to my nose and sniff,"Brick dust...vegetation...and..." I frown,"Mercury?"

Sherlock raises an eyebrow,"You got all that with one smell?"

I smile and shrug,"I have a sensitive nose."

"If what you just said has any correspondence to this case, I will eat my tie," Lestrade jokes.

I smirk and stand,"I hope you are hungry then."


"Molly!" Sherlock exclaims and grabs onto the small girl as she is walking out of the morgue.

"Oh hello. I'm just going out-"

"No you're not," Sherlock says and redirects her back toward the morgue where she works.

She tries to protest,"But, I've got a lunch date."

"Cancel it. You're having lunch with me."

Her eyes widen,"What?"

Poor girl. Sherlock is manipulating her like usual.

"I need your help," he tells her,"It's one of your boyfriends. We're trying to track him down. He's been a bit naughty."

"It's Moriarty?" John questions.

"Of course it's Moriarty," Sherlock scoffs.

"Jim wasn't actually my boyfriend," she cuts in timidly,"We went out three times. I ended it."

He rolls his eyes,"Yes, and he stole the Crown Jewels, broke into the Bank of England and organized a prison break at Pentonville. For the sake of law and order I suggest you avoid all future attempts at a relationship, Molly.

We have now moved on to the lab where Sherlock is using the footprint to gather other information on the kidnapper's whereabouts.

Molly helps him while John and I stand out of the way. I was never one for science.

Molly is a sweet girl, but she is very timid and has a huge crush on Sherlock. It is quite hilarious.

I am chatting with John when a word from Molly catches my attention.

"You're a bit like my dad," she tells Sherlock who is trying to ignore her,"He's dead. No, sorry-"

"Molly, please don't feel the need to make conversation. It's really not your area."

"When he was dying," she continues,"He was always cheerful, he was lovely. Except when he thought no one could see. I saw him once. He looked sad."


"You look sad," she tells him,"When you think they can't see you," she looks over at John and I.

Sherlock follows her gaze, I make sure to pretend I am still in conversation with John.

Molly takes a deep breath,"Are you okay? And don't just say you are, because I know what that means—looking sad when you think no one can see you."

Sherlock looks at her with a frown,"You can see me."

She shakes her head,"I don't count. What I'm trying to say is, if there's anything I can do—anything you need, anything at all—you can have me," she makes a face,"No- I just mean. I mean, if there's anything you need, it's fine."

He looks confused,"What could I need from you?

She sighs,"Nothing. I don't know. You could probably say thank you, actually."

"...Thank you?"

She looks away,"Never mind," she smiles weakly,"J-just forget I said anything." She walks sway before he can say more.

I watch the sociopath from the corner of my eye with a frown. He looks sad? ...What is going on with you Sherlock?





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