Ch.63: Everything is revealed

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Chapter 63:

3rd person POV:

John is again sitting in the chair in his therapist's house, his legs crossed in front of him.

"You seem so much better, John," His therapist acknowledges.

John nods,"Yeah, I- I am. I think I am. Not all day; not every day, but, uh, you know."

"It is what it is?"


"And Rosie?" She asks.

He smiles,"Oh, beautiful, perfect."

"Good. And Sara Knightly?"

John pauses and looks down,"...Things are a bit tense. She is talking to me again, but only when needed."

His therapist nods understandingly,"Give it time. I am sure she will come around."

John nods,"I hope so."

"So, how is Sherlock Holmes?"

"Back to normal."

"What about his brother?"

"Tom?" John shrugs,"He's fine. Away on business at the moment."

"I didn't mean Tom."

John frowns,"Uh, Mycroft is fine too I guess."

"I meant the other one."

John frowns,"W-Which other one?"

She smiles,"You know, the secret one."

John then smiles and chuckles,"Oh, that was just something I said..." he stops and looks at her for a long moment. "...How did you know about that? I didn't tell you that."

She remains unfazed and smiles,"You must have."

"I really didn't."

"Well, maybe Sherlock told me."

John shift forward in his seat,"No, you've met Sherlock exactly once. In this room. He was off his head."

"Oh, no, no. I met him before that," she tells him.


She smiles,"We spent a night together." She cocks her head to the side. "It was lovely. We had chips..."

John frowns, starting to feel very uneasy.

The woman takes off her glasses,"Culverton gave me Faith's original note." She stands up. "A mutual friend put us in touch." She walks across to the French doors and locks them with a key. As she speaks, the german accent she once had is starting to slip into an english one. "Did Sherlock ever tell you about the note? I added some deductions for Sherlock. He was... quite good." She walks across to a table and drops her glasses on it. Then proceeds to take out one of her brown colored contact lenses. She turns towards John, now with one blue eye and one brown eye. "But... he didn't get the big one." She walks over to John. "In fairness, though, he does have excellent taste in chips." She reaches up and brushes her hair back. She has a white plastic daisy-like flower behind her ear.

John gapes at the site,"W-What's that?"

She plays dumb,"What's what?"

"The flower in your hair: it's like I had on the bus."

She takes the flower from her hair and stares at it,"You looked very sweet. But then..." she bends down and looks into his eyes, and speaks in a Scottish accent,"...You have such nice eyes."

John's eyes widen in realization and he sits back, feeling as if all his strength as left him.

"Amazing the times a man doesn't really look at your face. Oh, you can hide behind a sexy smile, or a walking cane... or just be a therapist, talking about you... all the time." She walks back to the table with her glasses on it.

John feels his body react before his mind does. His fight or flight instincts kicking in as he stands up, ready to leave.

He is stopped by the woman aiming a pistol at him. "Oh, please don't go anywhere. I wouldn't want to make a mess."

John raises his hands and takes a small step back,"Who are you?"

She lowers the gun,"Isn't it obvious? Haven't you guessed?" She takes a few steps toward him,"I'm Eurus."

John shakes his head,"Eurus?"

"Silly name, isn't it? Greek. Means the East Wind."

John stares at her with wide eyes.

"My parents loved silly names, like Eurus ... or Sherrinford, or Mycroft ... or Sherlock."

John's mouth drops open a little.

Eurus giggles a little,"Oh, look at him. Didn't it ever occur to you – not even once – that Sherlock's secret brother might just be Sherlock's secret sister?"

John blinks, frowning.

Her smiles drops and she cocks her head to the side,"Huh. He's making a funny face." She raises her gun and points it at him. "I think I'll put a hole in it."

Eurus pulls the trigger.





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