Ch.65: Information

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Chapter 65:

Sara's POV:

"So what now?" I question.

Sherlock, John, Mycroft, Tom, and I are currently in Mycroft's secret office planning what to do next.

Mycroft leans forward in his chair and slides a piece of paper across his desk to us. "This was found in your flat after the bomb went off. It was put there by someone after the fire was put out."

I grab the paper and look it over. It is a flyer for a mental hospital. I frown and look at Mycroft,"You think this is from her?"

"It must be!" Sherlock says as he paces the small room. He has been on edge ever since the bomb. Luckily he was able to get John out safely, and Mycroft obviously made it as well but he sustained a few minor injuries while getting Mrs.Hudson out.

When I returned to Baker street with Rosie, I was horrified to see the state of our beloved flat. I was just thankful that the boys and Mrs.H were all okay. So now we are in Mycroft's secret office, the only safe place for us at the moment. Tom arrived just a few minutes ago. After he heard about what happened to 221b he came straight away.

Tom grabs the flyer from me and looks it over,"She wants us to find her," he concludes,"She was trying to get our attention."

"By almost killing us?!" John growls.

"Yes. She knew that would make me come back to England. I think she wants to confront all of us together."

"So we are just going to play into her game?" John questions.

I purse my lips and take back the flyer,"I think it would be smart to contact this 'West Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum' place. If they have any information on her we can use it to our advantage, find out who she really is, find out what she wants from us- well what she wants from you three."

Mycroft nods,"I had the same thought. I already have Anthea researching the facility for me."

On that note, a knock at the door is heard.

Mycroft smiles knowingly,"Come in."

Anthea walks in and hands him a file. "Here you are sir."

"Thank you, Anthea. Impeccable timing."

She leaves and Mycroft looks over the file she brought.

"So it would seem that there is a patient that matches the description John gave," Mycroft tells us,"Her name is Amelia Williams. She has been at the asylum for the last twenty years."

John frowns,"Is there a picture?"

Mycroft hands him a photo of the woman. John narrows his eyes,"This is her. How did she get out then?"

Mycroft shakes his head,"No idea. I think we should give her a visit." He picks up his phone,"I will have Athena clear the rest of my schedule and set up a ride for us."

Tom takes the photo from John and studies it with a frown. "...She does resemble us."

"Don't jump to conclusions," Sherlock scoffs, still pacing the room. "The possibility of her having survived on her own for all these years is improbable."

John crosses his arms,"How was she able to hide under our noses so easily then? That seemed very Holmes-like to me."

A thought suddenly comes to me. "Hey, do you think she knows about vampires? She did send in a bomb that can kill our kind."

"She hasn't made it known yet," Mycroft responds. "If she has in fact been watching us for an amount of time, then it is safe to say that she must." He glances toward Sherlock,"You aren't the most discreet, brother mine."

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