Chapter 1-_- W

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POV Melody
Last day of summer. That's what it is, the last day of freedom. Last day of sleeping in, last day of no homework, last day of disappearing from the world, and of course last day of my nonstressful summertime self.
The thoughts that had once captivated me quickly dispersed when my skateboard hit something, sending me flying.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking and I didn't mean to crash into you. I'm usually really good at riding my skate board, and I'm starting to ramble. I'm gonna stop," I quickly splutter out.
"It's ok," a deep chuckle makes me look away from my scraped hands. Standing in front of me is a boy my age wearing black vans, dark blue jeans, and a My Chemical Romance shirt. His wavy brown hair  messier than usual, but when I usually see it its gelled for school, so it fall almost over the eyes in different parts. His deep brown eyes stared at me intently, obviously amused.

"What are you looking at Brayden?" I snap, a little annoyed he hasn't tried helping me up.

"What? I can't step out in front of my best friends skateboard so she'll fall and teach her a lesson about always looking where you're going while riding a skateboard?" He asks, trying to sound innocent. Everyone knows he's not though, because he and my truly best friend are the rebels of the school. But I know Brayden had good intentions. He's always been a older brother to me even though I already have a older brother, but he's in college across the country. The thought starts to make me sad, so I shake them out of my head.

"Whatever," I mutter. 

"What are you doing your last day of freedom?"

"I was skateboarding around the city," I say, dragging the was. A alarm started playing "I write sins not tragedies" by Panic! At The Disco.

"Now I gotta go!" I smile one last time before putting my skateboard back on the ground and jumping on.

-_- Line Skips -_-

"I'm home!" I call once I'm in the double door that leads to the kitchen.

"Oh, good. I need you to get your stuff ready for tomorrow, and why did you leave that to the last minute?" My mom says from behind a cupboard door, probably looking for lunch snacks. She's  a beauty and doesnt know it. Long brown hair thats usualy up for work is sitting down on her back. Green eyes look at me intentaly now, searching my face gor the answer to her question. Her full lips and perfect nose I got from her. She's a doctor at some big hospital in Seattle so she takes the fary everyday she works. Which  is a lot. When she's home she makes up for it though, she takes me shopping, makes dinner, makes lunch, we have movie days, and she has never missed any really big holiday. She always makes my lunches even though she is always working and barely has time for it. I think it's her way of saying sorry for never being home.

"Don't know. What are we having for dinner?"  I say as my stomach growls loudly.

"Wow child, did you not eat?" My mother asks amazed and surprised. You see, I eat. A lot.

"It was like 20 hours ago, so dinner?" I ask again.

"How long has it been, really?"

"3 hours," I look down sheepishly.

She just shakes her head and looks back to the cupboard. "Lamb chops in a half hour," was all she said before I went up to my room to back my book bag for school. 

"Let's see,




Drawing pad,

Art supplies,





Binder, that's it right?" I say to myself.

"Ody! Dinner!" I hear my stepdad. I try not to grinned my teeth.

"Please don't call me that," I say as he comes in to view. He's sitting at the table.

"Right, sorry Mel," he says quickly. Probably remembering how much I hate it when anyone calls me that other than my real dad, my best friend Bae, my brother, and... well that's not important.

- _- Line Break- _-

"Oh my god, this is incredible!" I say through a mouthful.

"I know," my mom says grinning cockily.

"Don't let it to your head, I'm gonna go to bed. With the first day of school being tomorrow and all," I smile at my mom and make my way upstairs. I walk by my brothers old room and stop. The door creeks as I open it enough to step inside. It's not that much different, except most of his clothes and pictures and that kind of stuff is gone. His bed still is the exact same. Same sheets. Same comforter. Same smell. I look around. I walk out of my room quickly when the memories start rushing back as usual. I collapse in my bed, trying not to think about when I was little. The feeling of nostalgia starts to fade as sleep takes over my eyes.

-_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_-
Hey my fluffies!! Don't question the name I'm just bored at midnight... So yeah! Feel free to comment my mistakes, or if you have suggestions for bands we might like. We have the same taste as the girls, so yeah. And if you have any questions or aren't getting something about the plot we will do our best to answer and/or fix the plot. So thanks! Oh and at the beginning I put a "W" for Wrenn. "I" means Ireland. That just means who's writing. Ummmmmm... We are gonna be switching off writing because it's a joined account. We're gonna be editing every week or so and we will try to notify you of there's a change in plan... yeah.

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