Chapter 27

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Logan's POV W
You know that feeling you get when you have just woken up, but for a second you feel like you're not you? You do? That's what I'm feeling this very moment. Like I wake up to a girl, that's definatly defiantly not Ody, kissing me. I try to push her away, but I feel like my body is nonrespondent. Until I realise that if Odys not right by me, then where is she? With a new sence of strength, I push the girl off of me. When I don't see Ody anywhere I look for Bailey. When she runs up to me I just answer her question as simply as I can. I have absolutely, positively no idea what is going on, and I hope that Ody wasn't hurt by me.

Melody's POV
I feel the music actually beating my brain slowly. Sometimes you've got to bleed to know you're alive and have a soul. Maybe you can bleed to much at one point, causing you to die and let your soul float away. I hear the knock, but I choose to ignore it.
"Honey?" I hear my mom try, but nothing will stop me from wallowing in my pain. And believe me, there's a lot right now.
"Mel?" This time my step dad trys. No, I can't give in.
"Mel?" This time Bae calls. I don't give in. I can't without breaking down
"Ody!" Logan calls in, panic evident in his voice. I flinch at the noise but I still don't make a move to show them I'm alive and okay. 
My phone starts to ring in my pocket and I pull it out to see the number of the police station flashing across the screen. The noise from the site is silent, so I decide to answer.
"Hello?" My voice sounds out, raw from crying.
"Hello Ms. Gloom," the same voice as last time replies. His voice a little more gruff now, as if he's been yelling. "We figured out who was helping with your brother's death. Have you heard the name Hidena Keap? He goes by Dean I think."
"I think I've heard of him. He might be in my school or something." I reply honestly.
"Oh, you might have heard it because his dad was the person your dad got in a crash with. Gavin Keap was his name," as the name breaks through the air flashes of the news paper cloud my vision.
"Oh, okay. Is that it? I kind of have something to get back to." I say, feeling my voice catch.
"That's all. We are doing all we can Ms. Gloom." Then the dial rings out. I put my phone down and try to calm my breathing.
"God Damnit!" I yell at everything.
"You're not helping anything! So just go away!" I yell through tears and hiccups that start to engulf me.
"Melody?" A new voice rings out.
"Go away Hannah!" I yell
"No Hunter!"
"Please Melody!" A voice rings out in my mind that I haven't heard in a while. I know that it's not really there, but I can't help but answer it.
"Go away Kyle!" I whisper. My voice catches at the end and the sobs start to escape my body. Memories cloud my mind of when Ky would come to comfort me when I cried. "Wow. I'm a ducking mess! It hasn't even been 2 months of school and I've already cried, what? 50 million times? And I have had one ducking thing after another that slowly breaks away at me!" I scream at the other side of the door that is now silent, and I feel my breath start to go back to normal. The tears still slide down my pale face. I hear nothing as I slowly get myself together.
"It's not your fault Mel," I hear Bae say softly.
"I know, but why me?" I ask quietly, scared the tears will start again.
When I don't hear anything for a while I walk to my window that has a small bit of roof I used to sit on at night when I couldn't sleep. I pull myself out the now open window and stare at the blue sky that has just started to grow pink from the setting of the sun. I look out toward the park that is barely visible between the trees. It seems so peaceful and I watch as the sun slowly sinks behind the horizon. Birds fly from rooftop to rooftop, trying to find a decent perch. I watch a small brown bird land a few feet away. I instantly recognise it.
"Hi little house wren. What are you doing on this fine evening?" I smile slightly at the round bird. It replies with a couple of chirps. It then proceeds to sing a small song. I break out into a grin that hasn't been on my face in a long time, other than with Logan. A joyful grin.
"Come on Ody, you're gonna be left behind!" Logan teased. My dad chuckled  from just ahead of us.
"Shut up Logan! You're wearing sneakers. I have to wear these stupid flats," I whined to the young brown haired boy. My dad stopped abruptly making us crash into the back of his windbreaker. "Dad!" I groaned at the pain of my head hitting Logan's.
"Shh," my dad whispered. "Do you know what those are? Those are wrens." He moved to the side so we could see the group of small fat birds that had brown flecks covering the small feathers.
"Cool," Logan and I said in unison.
A bird flew from its small branch and landed on my small hand. I just silently admired the bird until it flew away. For the rest of the night I sat and watched those birds with my dad and Logan.
The bird stopped singing and stood on my hand, almost admiring me.
"Good night little wren," I say quietly as it spreads its wings and starts to fly away. "Good bye little wren." I whisper, quoting what my dad would say every time a wren flew away.
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Hey Fluffies! I really liked writing the end because, you know, my name's Wrenn and everything. Any waaayyyyssss.... yeah.

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