Chapter 6//I

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(Baileys P.O.V)


I sat in my bed my eyes closed listening to Gives You Hell by The All-American Rejects"When you find a man that's worth a damn and treats you well then he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hell."I sang along to the song only to be inturpted by my sister barging into my room."Oh my god what do you want?"I said to her lifting my head of the bed looking at her.

"Dinner is ready.Oh and by the way can you not play your emo music so loud its gonna make me want to live at hot topic and be depressed."She said crossing her arms with a ridiculous look on her face.

"Your so dead!"I yelled getting off my bed causing her to sprint down the hall and downstairs.I passed her room walking down the hall.It was hot pink and neon green.It had posters of pop singers and crap i dont understand on the walls.This room was truely a nightmare.I shut the door to her room not wanting to look at it to be honest.

Once i got down stairs my parents and my siblings were already eating so i sat down and starded to eat."So how was the first day of school?You darted for your room when you got home and we didn't get to talk to you.Did you have a bad day?"My dad asked while my brother looked up from his plate to my face.My family was really awkward about meals.Whenever you were asked a question the whole family would stare at you.It made me uncomfortable even though it was my own family.

"Oh,uhm no it was fine just tired."I said picking up my food and eating it hoping my family would do the same and stop staring at me.They all evantuly did what i wanted them to do and they starded to ramble about there days.I could care less what they did and how their teachers or boss made them made them mad.I pulled out my phone and hid it under the table turning down the brightness.We weren't aloud to use our phones at the table but i wasn't going to get in trouble because Tony was sitting next to me.

Bailey:Bray Bray

Brayden:What's up hot mama?

Bailey:I need to do something tonight.You have anything to do?

Brayden:Nope, but i'll come with you.Tony is getting you out right?Or do i have to?

Bailey:Yeah Tony is helping just be in my car at 11:30 the doors unlocked:)

Brayden:Yay we get to ride in your baby!


Brayden:gtg see you tonight;)

I turned off my phone and slid it in my pocket trying not to make a scene.After i was finished with my food i went up to my room and turned on my speakers a little bit louder this time just to make Jenna mad.I never really cared about the volume of my speakers because Jenna was the only one that could hear them really and sometimes Tony but he didn't mind.10:02.I went to my brother to tell him i needed to get out.

"Hello mini female Gerard Way.How may i assit you?"My brother said not taking his eyes of his phone.When i was 14 thats what most people say i became "emo" i really didn't like that word but whatever.So when i was 14 i found MCR and i was obsessed and i mean i still am but i decided to cut,thin,and dye my hair red to look like Gerard way.Melody still uses the pictures to black mail me.

"Well i'm going out with Bray tonight."I said sitting down by his feet.

"I've got you covered just leave and i'll take care of the rest."He smiled

"Thanks Tone."I said smiling leaving his room and shuting the door behind me.I loved Tony alot.Not just because he helped me do all the mischevious crap i do but becuase he is basically my true gardian.Yeah sure i had my dad and he protected me but Tony doesn't lie like my dad.My dad tries to make everything seem like we are living in a fairytale and the bad things are fake.

It was 11:28.I could hear my brother in my parents room probably trying to distract them.I put my jacket on that i wore to school and went down the stairs making sure i had my wallet,phone,and fake ID.Now im not going to a bar or buying drugs.The only reason i needed it was becasue in som cases what i was doing you would need to be eighteen plus but i think ill be fine but im still going to bring it.You never know.

I sat in the car and was greeted my his light brown eyes and bright smile."Well hello beautiful."He said while i started the car.I just smiled back."So what is the mysterious Bailey doing tonight?"He added breaking the comfortable silence.

"Well thats for me to know and for you to find out mister."I said smirking.He just sighed until we got to where we were going.

"Your kidding right?"He said looking at the shop.

"Nope."I said getting out of the car him following.
"What are you going to do in there?"He asked pointing at the shop.

"You will see Brayden."I said grabbing his hand and we walked into the shop.

"Why hello there!Welcome to Silver City Tattoos and piercings.What can i do for you lovely couple today?"The man at the counter said.I wondered why he said couple until Brayden squezzed my hand probably noticing i forgot that we were holding hands.

"Oh yeah,uhm hi i'm the 12:00 apointment."I said walking to the counter dragging Brayden behind me.

"Ok follow me!"He said smiling.

"What are you doing Bailey?"Brayden whispired in my ear.

"Your impatient."

"Your secretive."He said before i sat in the chair the man was directing me too.

"I'll be right back with my tools."The man said and i nodded.

Once the man was bag he started to clean my nose.Yes i was getting my nose pierced.Not that big of a deal right?"Ok ready?"The man said holding the piercing gun my nose.I nodded and Brayden grabbed my hand.He hit the gun.It only hurt for a second and then the pain was numbed by the numbing gel he had put on my nose before hand.

--After the piercing--

"That looks great my beautiful girlfriend."Brayden said laughing at his stupid joke.

"Thanks."I said pulling out and driving to Braydens house.


It was tuesday the second day of school.I told nobody about the piercing so the only one who knew was Brayden.It wasnt that big of a deal i mean im 17.

I put on my clothes and walked downstairs.

I put on my clothes and walked downstairs

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"Hey hon-,What the hell is that!"My mother yelled pointing at my nose the anger riseing in her voice.I knew this was gonna happen it wasnt like i could cover but this was weird.I have never been caught doing anything really.So under the pressure of my family staring at me i walked out the door and got in my car driving to school.

After school i decided i was going to Melody's house.

(A/N)Hello.This is really long.Whoops.Almost 100 reads in 2 days holy dipcrap.Ok bye bye frens

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