Chapter 3 - Same Old Routine

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Natsu's POV

The lunch bell finally rang after what felt like an eternity. I didn't mind school but I had my most hated subjects in the morning, math and then gym. I've never been great with numbers and I'm not really an athletic guy so I never took a liking to either of those two subjects.

I entered the lunchroom with Gray since we had spent the whole morning together and we found Lisanna already sitting at our usual spot which was a table found in the far back corner away from all the noise of the other students. Lisanna started off by telling us the first bit of gossip she had heard about.

"Omg guys did you hear that Jellal and Erza started dating over the summer!" She exclaimed overly excited causing Gray to spit out his orange juice.

"WHAT!?" He shouted.

"Do you have something against it?" I asked hesitantly.

"No not at all I just did not expect that to ever happen. I'm happy for them." He said in return.

"Well I think it's just wonderful! I hope that one day I can find true love like they did!" Lisanna giggled, and I noticed a faint blush appear on her cheeks.

The conversation moved along as my eyes grazed the now fully packed cafeteria. I noticed how everyone sat in the same places that they had in past years and how all the freshman seemed to be a lost in all the commotion. I saw Wendy walk into the cafeteria with a boy. Wait! A boy?! No way! They better just be friends, it took all of my strength to not go over there. I knew I couldn't embarrass her on her very first day of high school. I'll have to ask her about him when we walk home.

I quickly glanced away from Wendy and the mysterious boy and my eyes land on the cheerleaders table. They were all laughing and giggling except for the cheer captain, Lucy Heartfillia. She seemed like she was distracted by something, but my attention was quickly removed when the bell rang for third period. I lost sight of her in the crowd of everyone exiting the cafeteria.

Lucy's POV

Today hasn't been the greatest day, I haven't been able to keep my focus. It was this morning right before first period when my boyfriend Sting Eucliffe pulled me aside. He told me that he thinks we should take some time apart. I had no idea where this sudden change was coming from because we were fine just yesterday. We had been together for two years so I didn't handle it too well. Causing me to skip my first period math class. The bell for the end of lunch brought me back to reality and I pulled myself together for the rest of the day.

~Time skip to end of day~

Natsu's POV

After waving goodbye to Gray and Lisanna, I met up with Wendy by the fence that bordered the school as we started our short journey home.

"So do you have have something you want to tell me?" I teased.

She looked up at me a confused look written on her face.

"I saw you walk in with a boy at lunch. Who was he? A friend right?!"

She laughed nervously as she stumbled over her words, "u-um ye-yeah he is just a friend I have known him since junior high" she spoke so quickly I almost missed what she had said.

I let out a sigh of relief but he isn't clear quite yet. I don't know his feelings for her or the type of guy he is, what if he tries to take advantage of her?!

"Ok then, but promise me you will be careful. Boys can be dangerous." I informed her.

"You're a boy too you know! So does that mean I should stay away from you?" She asked with a smirk.

"Why do you always have to twist my words" I scoffed.

She just laughed back at me and ran the rest of the way home yelling back at me to try and catch her. Following along in her childish games I chased her but I couldn't catch up to her before she reached the house.

"I WIN!"

"Fine, you can have it this time" I grumbled in defeat

With that we walked inside to start our homework that we already had. It was only the first day of school. Somebody shoot me. 

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