Chapter 29 - Hints

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Natsu's POV

Lucy and I have been doing our best to make sure no one finds out that she is living at my house until her dad fixes his problems. I didn't think it would be so difficult, it feels like everyone is always lingering around us as if they know we are hiding something. Maybe they are always like this and I never realized because I'm not usually this cautious.

We met up outside the school and began our walk home, we lived in the same direction so it was okay if people saw us leave the school. Our biggest concern was people that could potentially see us enter our house because we do live in a populated area where there are a lot of people going home from school as well.

Once we were safely inside the house, we instantly went up to our room and threw everything onto the floor, flopping onto the bed.

"Today went by so slowly" I said with a groan.

"Agreed, I forgot how tiring school can be"

"No kidding, and I still have homework to finish already"

"Same" Lucy sighed, propping herself up on the edge while she grabbed her bag from the floor and pulled out a bunch of books. She slid fully off the bed and onto the floor, arranging all her work around her.

I did the same and opened all my books on the floor next to her and we began working. It was nice having classes with Lucy because then we could work together. It was more beneficial to me because she would explain it all to me, especially math which I don't understand it at all.

Lucy and I spent most of the night slowly working through it all but most of the time we just got distracted laughing and throwing things at each other. This next semester might not be so bad.

~One week later~

Things were getting harder by the day, Gray had asked me to hang out and he wanted to go to my house to play video games because I have the best console. I had to turn him down but I didn't really have an excuse so I just said that I couldn't and changed the topic. Ever since then he has been acting weird around me and I hope he isn't figuring it out.


Lucy's POV

"Hey Lu!" I turned to the sound of my name, seeing Levy jog lightly down the hall towards me.

"Hey Lev what's up?" I asked the bluenette.

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to come with me and the girls to the cafe down the street?"

"Oh yeah sure, where do you want me to meet you guys?" I asked, continuing to put all of my stuff in my locker. I needed to find a way to tell Natsu that I was going out with the girls and wouldn't be at home without Lev noticing.

"Um, we can just walk together and meet the rest there? That was a weird question Lu" she said while giving me a weird look and I realized that it was a dumb question, I silently face palmed.

"Yeah of course" I chuckled awkwardly, racking my brain to think of a way to get away from her for a second. "I just...uh have to go to the bathroom first" I said in a high pitched voice, I'm hoping she didn't notice.

"Ok sounds good" We walked into the nearest washroom and Levy was looking at herself in the mirror as I walked into a stall, instantly whipping out my phone.

Hey! I won't be coming home for a bit after school today, I'm going out with the girls. See you later!

There. Now I know that he won't be waiting for me. I finished up in the bathroom and we walked for a quick fifteen minutes to the cafe where Erza and Juvia were waiting for us. We joined them at the table that they had sat in. I sat beside Levy and across from Erza, while Levy sat across from Juvia. I put my phone face up on the table right in between Levy and I and we began gossiping about silly things. We hadn't talked just us girls in a while so this was a good idea, I missed our conversations about drama and boys.

We were in the middle of talking when my phone lit up and buzzed in between me and Levy. I saw her look over to the sound, and I looked as well to find a text from Natsu.

Ok! Sounds good have fun!

Shit. I picked my phone up but it was too late, Levy had already read it.

"What was that about?" Levy smirked at me.

"Oh nothing, must have sent it to the wrong person" I laughed nervously, pocketing my phone.

Erza slowly propped her elbows on the table resting her head in her hands, looking at me as if she could read my mind. This made me even more nervous. "Wrong person huh?"

"Oh I know! You guys are dating!" Juvia cheered.

"NO! Um nothing like that I promise"

"Hmmm, then what is it Lucy?" Erza stared menacingly at me.

"Come on we are your friends tell us!" Levy whined while pulling lightly on my arm.

"I was just letting him know that I can't walk home with him today"

"We all know that's not the whole truth" Juvia said sternly, when did she get so scary?

"What is it Lucy? What aren't you telling us?"

"Well umm, I may or not be living at his house' I said quickly.

"WHAT?!" They all yelled in unison. Everyone was looking at our table and we all looked down in embarrassment.

"When did this happen? And why didn't you tell us?" Levy looked at me with hurt in her eyes.

"Guys its only temporary and I was planning on telling you I was just scared of what might happen if word got out."

"We are here to support you, don't be afraid to tell us anything" Erza said with a smile.

"Thanks guys" I was getting a little teary but I wiped them away proceeding to tell them everything.


When I got back to Natsu's, dinner was on the table. I sat down with them to eat but I wasn't planning to tell Natsu about what the girls knew until we were alone.

After dinner I showered and got ready to go to sleep.

"Hey Natsu" I called from the bed.

"Yeah?" he directed his attention towards me.

"They know" was all that I had to say and his face dropped.

"I hope you don't mean about what I think you mean" he said, coming to sit beside me on the bed.

"Yup, I didn't mean to but they are my friends and its hard not telling them things, I'm sorry"

"Dont be sorry Luce, its ok. We would have had to tell them eventually" he reassured me while putting his arm around my shoulders bringing me into a side hug.

"I'm pretty sure that they've told the guys by now"

"Most likely, but its okay because then we don't have to" he said with a light laugh. He lifted the duvet so I could duck underneath, "Come on, let's just get to bed."   

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