Chapter 4 - Lucy

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Lucy's POV

I walked to school the next day with one of my closest friends, Levy Mcgarden. Her and I would never have been friends if it wasn't for cheerleading but in becoming friends we discovered that we both have a lot in common. As we were walking towards the doors I saw Sting sitting beside this other girl with his arm around her. I stood in shock for a moment until Levy grabbed my arm and pulled me into the school. I was breathing quite heavily and she gave me a concerned look.

"Are you alright?" Levy asked.

I knew I couldn't try to hide this from her so I reluctantly shook my head and dragged her to the restroom.

I couldn't contain my tears and they just started flowing down my cheeks. Levy gasped as she realized that I was crying about Sting and she pulled me into a big hug.

"Lucy, I know it hurts but know that I'll always be here for you" she said as she stroked my back.

"Thank you so much Lev, I don't know what I would do without you." I smiled gratefully at her.

"What are friends for?" Levy said, returning my smile.

"Now please go to class I don't want you to be late."

"Are you sure you will be alright?" She asked one last time. I nodded, signalling her to go, she hugged me one last time and disappeared through the door.

I turned to the mirror and began to clean myself up and fix my running mascara. Once I pulled myself together I realized that I was going to be late for class. I grabbed my purse and books and scurried out the door.

I was jogging down the halls when I sharply turned around a corner and received a face full of!? Everything happened so fast and before I knew it I was lying on top of someone. I could feel my heart rate quicken and my face heat up. I was so flustered I didn't know how to react or what to do but I noticed my books had been scattered across the hallway floor.

Natsu's POV

I couldn't help but stare. Her eyes were like something I'd never seen before, they were a beautiful deep brown. Being so close to her face I noticed that it looked like she was crying. How could someone like her ever be sad? As reality had slowly start to come back to me, I realized the gravity of the situation. Lucy Heartfillia was on top of me in the middle of the hallway, not only that, but it's been a few minutes and neither of us had moved.

She slowly got up using my chest to help her up.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled while looking down at the floor.

"No no it's ok it's my fault" I stammered.

"No it's mine I should have payed more attention to where I was going"

She started to gather up her things and I jumped in to help.

"Thanks" she murmured. "Well I better get to class now" she stated as she went to walk past me. I quickly grabbed her hand not realizing what I had done until it was too late.

She paused and looked at me in confusion and shock, I let her hand go and I instantly missed her warm touch.

"Hi, I'm Natsu Dragneel" I spoke giving her my signature grin.

"Lucy Heartfillia" she said as her cheeks became a light shade of pink.

"I know" I said with a chuckle. "See you around" I said as I waved and turned around to continue walking to my locker.

Lucy's POV

I stood silently in the hallway for a few more moments. How had I never noticed him before?

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