Chapter 30 - I Don't Want To Come Home

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Lucy's POV

I was sitting on my bed facing the wall, looking down at the ringing phone in my lap. I picked it up and hit the answer button;


Oh Lucy it's so good to hear your voice

H-hi dad

How have you been?

I've been good.

Is Natsu still taking good care of you?

Yes he is being very nice to me, and his aunt is ok with me staying, I really like it here.

I see, well that's good to hear

Yeah, so how have you been dad?

I have been better if I'm being honest.

Have you gotten help yet?

Well anyways I would really like to see you Lucy, I miss you dear.

Dad you are avoiding the topic, did you or did you no-

Don't worry about it. I'm fine and would like to see you.

I said to call me when you are getting better and I can tell that you aren't, you are avoiding the topic.

That's not important, how about lunch this Saturday? 11 am?

I can't! Dad please, I can't see you until you are better.

Of course you can Lucy, we can go to your favorite diner.

Dad! Goodbye, call me when you can talk about this seriously.

Don't you dare hang up on me, I am your father and you will listen to what I have to say!

I'm already 18, you can't tell me what to do anymore!

Lucy Michelle Heartfilia, you will come home right this instant.


Don't make me send someone to pick you up, because I will.

Seriously dad, i'm not a baby! We had an agreement but you are failing on your end of the deal.

Ok that's it, if you don't listen to me i'll just have to use force.


Pack up your stuff, a car will be there in an hour to get you and bring you home

Seriously?! We both know you don't have the money for that!

I have the money for whatever I want! You know nothing you're just a worthless daughter!


He started yelling profusely and I quickly hung up the phone, I just couldn't deal with it anymore. He wasn't getting better, only worse. Tears were running down my cheeks at this point and I brought my knees to my chin, curling into a ball. What was I going to do? I hope he didn't actually send a car.

I was lost in thought and didn't know how long I was sitting there crying. There was a click as the door opened but I didn't turn my attention to whoever it was because I didn't want them to see me cry.

"Luce?" I'm sure that he could hear me sniffling. "You okay?" I didn't respond.

I could feel his presence nearing me but I still refused to move. The bed shifted and his strong, warm arms wrapped around me from behind. He pulled me onto his lap as he gently ran his fingers through my hair.

He leaned his head to my ear and whispered "want to tell me what's wrong?" his voice was so soft and calming, it made me cry even more. We just sat there as he played with my hair, holding me close to him. My phone that was lying on the bed in front of us began ringing again and my dad's contact name popped up. I cringed at the sight, burying my face into my hands. Natsu sighed and moved, he must be grabbing my phone.

"Hello?" I heard him say. I cringed because I could hear loud noises coming from the speaker, but I couldn't make out any words.

"Yeah this is Natsu" More loud noises.

"No that will not be necessary" The sounds continued. What were they talking about?

"She is just fine here and it will stay this way because you're an incompetent parent" Natsu was raising his voice now and the sounds on the other end dyed down slightly.

"Now as long as she is with me you cannot see her" I gasped at Natsu's words and lifted my head from my hands, looking up at him. He was looking directly ahead at the wall with a stern gaze, but there was a softness in his eyes. He looked so perfect like that, the light from the window hitting all the right spots on his face.

He hung up and put the phone down on the bed. "Natsu?" He broke thought as his gazed look down at me, and he smiled making my heart flutter, I kept falling for him more and more each day.

"Hey Luce?" he whispered, pushing a strand of stray hair behind my ear, "let's go to grad together"

"Okay" I said smiling uncontrollably. I was secretly hoping that he would ask me even though grad was still two months away.  

One Year (Nalu AU) ✓Where stories live. Discover now