Chapter 23 - Family Confrontation

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Lucy's POV

I got out of the shower and dried myself off, getting changed back into my clothes from last night. They smelled like beer, but they had to do because they were all that I had. I came out of the washroom and Natsu was lying on his bed, playing on his phone. We were going to go and see my father to get things sorted out, I was going to be moving in with Natsu starting today.

"Okay I'm ready to go" I said, tying back my wet hair into a tight ponytail.

"Awesome" he got up and tucked his phone into his jean pocket. We headed down the stairs saying goodbye to Grandeeney and Wendy, then exiting out the front door. It was snowing lightly, covering everything with a thin dusting of white powder. I didn't want to walk in it and ruin it, it was all just so beautiful. I love winter just for this reason.

"Okay, so we are going to go in and you are going to stand up for yourself, don't be afraid, I'll be there if anything gets out of hand". He grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly, I looked up at him and he smiled fondly at me.

"Thank you so much Natsu" I said, smiling and giving his hand a small squeeze back. We continued on our walk hand in hand, close to each other because it was super cold out.

We walked right into my house and it smelled heavily of alcohol, I knew that my dad was going to be drinking. There were beer bottles littered around the house, it was disgusting. It looks like it hasn't been cleaned since he fired all of our servants and maids.

"Dad?" I yelled out. I heard footsteps moving around and my dad slowly appeared from out of the living room. He looked horrible. He had dark circles around his eyes and he was wearing ragged clothes that were stained with alcohol. His hair was greasy and you could see his age just by looking at him.

"Lucy? Is that you?" he slurred, opening his eyes wider. He was not in good shape and I felt guilty for him, but I knew that I had to hold my own.

"Yes, it's me dad" I stepped in the house further so that I could see him better.

"Oh Lucy!" he came up closer to me and opened his long arms for a hug.

"Dad no... I can't" I said timidly, backing away. It took a lot in me to not burst out in tears, I've always hated seeing him this way. He used to be an alcoholic when I was younger, and my mom threatened to leave with me if he didn't get help. He was able to recover then, and we spent most of my childhood together. I never understood as a child, I can only remember the good memories.

"Lu-Lucy what's wrong?" he looked so hurt and it broke my heart.

"We need to talk" I took in a deep breath, "I'm not living here with you anymore until you can clean up your act" I looked back at Natsu and he smiled making me feel better. "I'm only here to get my stuff"

His face looked horrified and I let a single tear escape my eye and roll down my cheek. "Lucy you will not be permitted to leave here!" His angry side was beginning to show. He stepped closer to me, "So tell your friend to leave and we will talk about your attitude young lady!"

Natsu stepped in between him and I. "That will not be happening" his voice was so serious, it even scared me, but my dad didn't seem fazed. "Lucy, go get your stuff"

I ran upstairs while the two were down stairs, I grabbed the largest bag that I could find and grabbed Natsu's scarf from my shelf, wrapping it around my neck instantly. It was so warm and comforting, but it no longer smelt like him. I didn't bother trying to hold in the tears anymore, so I let them fall down my face, blurring my vision slightly but not enough so that I couldn't see. I grabbed some plain clothes, as well as some of my favourite items, and I gathered all my makeup and a few pieces of jewellery. Even though I was not going to be at my own house, I still had to look presentable.

After my bag was packed, I walked out the door, looking at the floor and wiping my eyes with my free hand. I turned the corner, bumping into Natsu.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you there" I wiped away the last of my tears and looked up at him. He knew that I had been crying, so he pulled me into a comforting hug.

"Hey, its okay to be sad, this is a big deal, just know that I'm always here for you" ,he let go and grabbed my hand, guiding me down the stairs.

My dad was waiting by the door with a grim look on his face and his arms folded. Natsu let go of my hand when we hit the bottom of the stairs and I looked over at my dad.

"Goodbye dad, and don't call me unless you are getting better. After that happens, then we can talk about what we can do from there." I grabbed the doorknob and swung open the heavy wooden door. I looked at him one last time and his face softened as he realized that this was actually happening. Natsu saw me looking and grabbed my hand once more, pulling me away from the tragic scene. The last thing that I saw was my dad at the door, watching his only daughter leave him alone.

The walk back to Natsu's seemed longer than it was when we were walking towards my house. It was colder too and I was sad. Natsu offered to carry my bag which was a nice gesture, so he did, and with both my free hands I grasped onto his arm, too afraid to let go. I hope that my mom will be alright, she isn't home much to begin with so she may not notice anything different, but I will always be thinking about her.

We walked home in silence because I didn't want to talk, in fear of bursting into tears again. We reached his house and he put my bag into the spare room, it was already pretty late, so I went straight into my room while Natsu stayed downstairs with Grandeeney.

Natsu's POV

"She will be ok Aunt Grandeeney, she just needs some time alone" Grandeeney nodded and set down her cup of tea.

"Maybe you should go check on her just in case, since you know her best" she said with a wink and I laughed. "Well goodnight sweetie see you tomorrow"

"Goodnight" I responded and she headed upstairs into her room. I looked in the kitchen to try to find some food for Lucy and I since we didn't really eat dinner. All that I was able to find were some cucumber slices and granola bars which I grabbed anyways, and made my way upstairs.

I knocked on her door. "Come in" ,she spoke softly. I opened the door and she was laying face down on the bed, holding on to her pillow. I sat down next to her and she rolled onto her side to face me.

"I come bearing gifts" I say, in a little bit of a joking manner, I held out the bag of cucumber slices and a granola bar.

"Thanks" she responded with a soft smile, she grabbed the granola bar opening it and taking a bite. We sat and ate in silence for a bit, and when all the food was gone, I stood up.

"Well its late we should probably go to sleep now"

"Yeah, goodnight Natsu"

"Will you be ok in here?" I asked, unsure of what I was going to say if she said no.

"I think so" She smiled and sat up on the bed, still clutching on to the pillow.

"Ok, goodnight then Lucy" I walked out of the room, closing the door gently behind me. I changed into my sweats and took off my shirt, settling in for the night. Walking to my room, I realized that I was pretty exhausted from today, so as soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.

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