Chapter 11 - Confrontations

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Natsu's POV

I met up with Gray and Lisanna at lunch in our usual spot. As soon as I sat down, Gray started to question me.

"Dude what the hell?" he glared at me, "Where were you this morning? You didn't even answer my texts."

"Sorry man I was... Well I was.. ummm well you see, I just woke up late" I finally stuttered out a straight answer, which Grey obviously saw right through.

"Oh yeah okay sure now where were you actually?" he questioned me fiercely. I knew he needed a straight answer and Lisanna and Gray are both my best friends so I might as well just tell them the truth.

"Hey you can trust us you know, we won't tell anyone" Lisanna added smiling at me.

"Ok fine, I was over at Lucy Heartfilia's house yesterday, we were working on our science project and then.." I couldn't even finish my sentence before Gray stood up.

"YOU WERE WHERE?!" He yelled so loud it caught everyone's attention and they all looked over at our table in confusion. Gray realized how embarrassing this was and sat down quickly looking at the tabletop. After that, everyone slowly returned back to what they were doing but we knew that they were all talking about us.

"Well... why don't you finish what you were going to say Natsu" Lisanna said with an awkward laugh, I knew that she was trying to rescue this awkward situation. So, I tried to help her out by continuing on what I was saying beforehand.

"We ended up falling asleep on the couch and woke up late for school. That is all that happened I promise."

Gray looked up at me with a smirk on his face, he seemed to have forgotten his embarrassment. "Oh are you sure about that?" He said with a wink.

"Oh God no Gray, nothing like that" I yelled repulsively. "She would never go for a guy like me anyways" I added with a sigh.

"Don't say that I'm sure any girl would be lucky to be with you" Lisanna smiled at me. Honestly, I knew that Lisanna used to like me back in junior high but I'm not exactly sure if she still feels the same way as before.

"Thanks" I smiled back at her and decided that we should probably change the subject "so what's new in your life Lisanna?" Before she could give me an answer, Sting Eucliffe came over to our table and sat down beside Lisanna. I could see her start to blush and I immediately knew that something was up between the two of them.

"Hey babe" He said as if he has said it a million other times before. Lisanna turned a darker shade of red. "Wanna ditch this place and go somewhere else?" Sting winked.

"Like where it's the middle of the day?" she asked nervously "You're not asking me to skip are you?"

"No let's just go for a walk" he smiled at Lisanna and then looked over at Gray and I across the table and made a face of confusion.

"What are you staring at?" I asked, irritated.

"Why the hell are you wearing my clothes?" He said getting angry.

"O-Oh I uh-um well you see I um sort of..." I trailed of clueless of how to responded.

"Spit it out already"

"Ok u-um well Lucy let me borrow them" I spoke at the speed of light.

"She WHAT?!" He yelled. He was fuming with anger at this point, so he got up and stormed away leaving Lisanna behind.

"Wait Sting!" she yelled at him but he was already gone. She got up and followed him out of the cafeteria.

Gray and I just looked at each other processing what had just happened. Instantly, we broke into laughter even though the whole situation wasn't actually that funny.

~Time skip to end of day~

Wendy's POV

I was waiting by the gate of the school seeing if Natsu was gonna show up. I was only gonna wait ten minutes because he never came home last night so I don't even know if he is at school today. I was so worried all day because this isn't like him.

I looked up from the ground and saw him walking towards me "Natsu!" I shouted while running up to him giving him a hug.

"Oh hey Wendy" he said smiling at me.

"Where were you last night? Mom was worried because you wouldn't answer her texts. I was able to convince her that you were ok so she wouldn't get the cops involved"

"Thanks Wendy, I guess I owe you an explanation" He laughed.

"Oh you better" I replied. He explained everything to me and blushed when he got to the part of falling asleep together. "Oh my God you're blushing! Do you like this girl?"

"What no! We just have a project to do together that's all" he said as his blush intensified.

"Hm sure whatever you say," I laughed "but anyways, be ready for mom she is already so pissed at you"

"Oh man I didn't even think about that" he sighed and we approached our front door. Grandeeney came running around the corner to find Natsu with me. I was expecting her to hug him or something but instead she smacked him on the back of the head with the spatula that she was holding. I laughed so hard.

"Ouch! what was that for?" he whined rubbing his head.

"Oh you know exactly what that was for young man, where were you?" she yelled furiously, "You scared the crap out of me don't ever pull anything like that again!"

Before he could open his mouth to speak I jumped in "he was with a giirrl!" he blushed again and my comment really threw mom over the edge.

"Not only did you not come home last night and didn't answer my texts. You were with a girl! What in the world were you doing!"

"It wasn't like that I promise we just had to work on this stupid science project and we lost track of time and fell asleep. My phone died because I never got the chance to charge it. I'm sorry. It won't happen again"

"I understand but please next time just text or call or something so I know that you are safe"

"Yes I can do that" he sighed and went towards his room but was stopped by my words.

"Don't you wanna tell mom more about this girl?" I teased as he shot me a glare. I knew this would make Grandeeney talk more so before Natsu could do anything I ran upstairs to my room.

Natsu's POV

Oh man why would Wendy do that now I'm never gonna hear the end of it from Grandeeney.

"So care to tell me about this girl?" She said waving around her spatula which looked super threatening if I wasn't to give her the information that she wanted to hear.

"Well she is just girl that goes to my school and she is pretty but there is nothing going on between us"

"You like her don't you? Its written all over your face" I began blushing again "She isn't just any ordinary girl is she?"

"No she is the most popular girl in school" I sighed in defeat, Grandeeney made me talk.

"Oh really well she is pretty special then, what's her name?" she asked smirking

I blushed even more and couldn't hide it, there was no point. Grandeeney knew i was interested in her. "Lucy heartfillia"

"So not only the most popular but the rich girl too. Look at you go" she laughed and waved at me with her spatula as she went back into the kitchen to finish cooking. I sighed, glad that it was over and slowly walked up to my room to charge my phone.

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