Chapter 9 - Grease

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Natsu's POV

I can't believe that I was actually paired with Lucy for the science project. It must be my lucky day.

"So what do you think we should do for our project?" Lucy questioned as she scribbled in her notebook.

"I'm not too sure" Natsu said and Lucy just sighed.

Class was soon about to end and I was debating whether or not to ask Lucy when we can work on the project together. Before I came to a conclusion she started talking.

"When do you want to work on this again?"

"Well I'm free whenever you are."

"Cool meet me outside on the front steps after school and we can go work at my house." she smiled as the bell rang. After packing her books away, she stood up and waved to me as she left the room.

~Time Skip To End Of School Day~ (Still Natsu's POV)

I walk towards the front doors and I see Lucy sitting on the top step reading a book. It looks like it must be a new book because she isn't that far into it. I also notice how she struggles to hold it open. If only there was a way to make that easier on her? I rushed to her side to say hi to her.

"Hey Lucy! I know what we're gonna do for our project!"

"Oh really? What are you thinking?"

"I'll tell you about it while we walk." She nods and gets up to lead the way to her house. "So basically it's a piece of plastic that helps hold your book open while you read." (Media)

"Oh I see, I like that idea." she smiled

We arrive at her house and I took a moment to look around and take it all in. I knew that she was rich but not this rich! Her house is at least ten times bigger than mine and I live in an average sized home. I think she noticed me staring because she just stared at the cement sidewalk. I knew that I had to say something to break this awkward silence.

"Your house is super nice" I said with my signature grin.

"Thanks" she responded still looking at the sidewalk but I could see her smile. "Well let's head inside now" she walked up the steps and I followed.

We entered and I have never seen anything as clean and as beautiful as the Heartfilia mansion. It was more of an open plan and on the opposite side of the room from us was a large staircase that turned both left and right to go upstairs. I looked around and I could see all of the different rooms around me, a large kitchen, a dining room, a living room with a massive flat-screen TV in front of a couch, and what looks to be a library with an office desk placed right in the middle.

"Hello Princess, welcome home! Is there anything that I can get for you and your friend?" a pink haired lady asked Lucy.

"No thank you Virgo we will be okay." Lucy smiled at her and started walking towards the dining room. She gestured for me to sit down which I did and she sat down across the table from me.

"Ok so how shall we start this project?" Lucy asked me.

"I think we should start off by..."

~1 Hour Later~ (Still Natsu's POV)

We spent the last hour figuring out the details to our project. We talked and laughed and made jokes until eventually we trailed off from the task completely. We moved from the dining room into the living room because we were getting uncomfortable.

"Hey Natsu" she said as she giggled.


"You're actually pretty cool, you know?"

"I am?" I asked warily.

"Yeah, I never really knew who you were until we ran into each other that day in the hall. Everyone I talked to said they didn't know who you were, but I'm glad I got the chance to get to know you better." She smiled as she looked at the floor.

"Wow I didn't know I was that big of a loser" I laughed "but I'm glad that I got to know you better. I always see you in the halls with your friends and I never thought you would notice me of all people." I could feel my cheeks heat up.

She looked up at me and met my gaze and i could see that she was blushing too. We kept staring at one another until Virgo came barging into the room and looked like she was about to speak but saw us and slowly backed out of the room.

"So do you wanna put on a movie or something?" She questioned, breaking the silence between us.

"Yeah, sure. What movie were you thinking?" i asked grinning at her.

"How about..." she paused and pointed at a movie in the CD case that she was flipping through, "Grease" I nodded and Lucy walked over to the DVD player to put the movie in.

Halfway through the movie I could feel myself slowly starting to fall asleep. I looked over at Lucy lying down opposite of me and saw that she had already dozed off. So, I gave in and fell asleep beside her, the last thing I remember is how cute I thought she looked when she was asleep.  

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