Chapter 27 - Truth or Dare

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Natsu's POV

We made some form of a circle in the living room, occupying both of the couches and some of us were sitting on the floor. I can't believe Cana is making us play truth or dare, this game is just set up for so many bad things to happen.

"Ok everyone how about I start since it was my idea" Cana said looking at everyone's worried faces with a devilish look in her eyes. "Juvia, truth or dare?"

Juvia's eyes widened "um t-truth" she looked terrified but I didn't blame her, she was the first victim.

"Juvia, what is your secret talent?"

"Thats easy, I'm a synchronised swimmer" she said with a large smile.

"Thats so cool, now its your turn" Cana said, smiling back at her.

A few rounds went by and everyone seemed to be going easy until it got back to being Cana's turn again. She looked me directly in the eye and smirked, "Natsu, truth or dare?" I didn't want to choose truth because it might lead to Lucy and I's secret being revealed.

"Dare" I said, looking back at her trying to show that I wasn't scared, but deep down I was actually terrified.

"Hmmm I was hoping you would choose that" she said, smirking evilly. what have I done? "I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Lucy"

Everybody gasped, she really was going all out with this now, no more fun and games.

"You gotta do it no backing out now" Gray teased.

"Come on I'll find you guys a closet" Levy said, standing up while gesturing for us to follow. We were hesitant but followed anyway. She took us into a hallway where there was a linen closet that was just big enough for the two of us. "Have fun!" With that, she closed the door and the timer started.

"Ok Lucy I have an idea of how we can get back at them"

"How? We can just wait out the seven minutes"

"Awe but that's no fun" I pouted.

She sighed "ok fine, what's your idea?"

I smiled at her, "So I say we make a lot of noise and bang on the walls and say each other's name so that they get the wrong idea. Then when they come to see what's going on they will find us doing nothing"

She laughed at my ridiculous idea and nodded her head "how should we start?"

I began by banging my back against the door making a loud sound. She jumped slightly, obviously not prepared for what I just did. I laughed lightly and she joined in by smacking her hand against the wall. We moved around, making noises and breathing heavy.

We could hear a commotion going on outside and it sounded like they were talking about us, we kept what we were doing until we heard footsteps approaching us. Levy opened the door to find us laughing our asses off. "Oh for god sakes! You were playing us" she yelled, marching back to the living room. We entered to find everyone staring at us and we couldn't hold in our laughter.

"You totally fell for it!" I laughed at them.

"You should see the looks on your faces" Lucy squealed.

"You guys are mean" Cana pouted. "I really want you guys to get together" She was already drunk even though we haven't really pulled out any alcohol yet.

"You can't blame us" Gajeel added and we all looked at him confused, "You made it sound believable, almost like you've done it before" he smirked.

Lucy and I stopped laughing and stared straight at him.

"Is it true?!" Juvia practically yelled. We both began turning red, why would think that?

"No! Of course not! We are only friends!" Lucy responded to them, embarrassed. Of all topics why this one? i didn't expect it to backfire like this.

"Whatever you say" Cana said while taking a swig of her beer. "Let's get back to the game"


A few hours after the whole seven minutes in heaven drama it was almost midnight and we had moved our party outside. Gray and Gajeel argued for a long time about the proper way to start a fire until eventually Jellal stepped in, lighting a fire with a match. We gather around it and Juvia had her phone out with a countdown timer on it. 10 minutes to go.

"I'm going to tell a ghost story everyone" Loke pipes up "I know its not halloween but we need some way to pass the time" Everyone sighs.

"Ugh get on with it then" Gray scoffed.

"Once upon a time there was a witch! Who was so beautiful that she captured all the guys eyes" He fixed his glasses then proceeded. "One night there was this man walking through the woods to his girlfriend's house, he had heard many rumors about the danger of the woods." I could feel myself slowly dazing off when I was shook awake by Loke, I think? He was going around waking everyone up.

"You guys all fell asleep on my wonderful story" He sulked back into his chair.

When everyone was awake and realized what had happened they all burst out laughing, but Loke's story did suck.

"We have one minute!" Juvia yelled while standing up and looking at her phone.

We all stood with while it was coming down to the moment, Gajeel and Levy were standing together, Jellal and Erza were together and Gray was beside Juvia, who was still looking at the phone. Loke was still sulking but stood up as well, he will get over it soon. Cana couldn't care less, she was so drunk.


Everyone began counting.


Lucy looked up at me.


I looked back her, and we kept counting with the rest of the group.


Everyone was looking at each other.


HAPPY NEW YEARS! We all yelled in unison and Lucy jumped up on me, hugging tightly while I hugged her back. We broke from our hug to see everyone else with smiles on their faces, what a great way to start off the year.


We were back in Grays car and he had offered to drive us home as well. He had stopped in front of my house and both Lucy and I got out of the car.

"Hey Lucy, I can drop you off at your house if you want?" Gray asked, looking at us with a weird expression.

"Oh no its fine, I u-um have to grab my coat from Natsu's house because I left it there" She said while trailing off because she was lost for words.

"Don't worry about it Gray, I'll walk her home"

"Whatever you say man" and with that, he drove off.

"I thought he would never leave, let's go inside now its cold" I grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the door.

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