Chapter 14 - Thank You

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Natsu's POV

Our science projects are due today and I'm kind of disappointed because it means that I won't get to hang out with Lucy as often, if not at all. I walk into class and take my seat and there she is, sitting so perfectly, I just want to walk over and touch her soft blonde hair.

"Okay class you will have five minutes to get with your partner and prepare for your presentation" Ms. Strauss said, smiling at the her students.

Before I could move, Lucy had walked over and pulled up a chair beside my desk, "Hey I think that I left my notebook at your house the other day" she stated.

"Oh, yeah you did it took me a while to figure out it was yours when I found it" I chuckled.

"Are you cool if I come over to your house after school to get it?"

"Yea sure meet me in our usual spot" I smiled as she nodded her head and changed the subject to our project as we discussed what our plan was.

Mira Jane's POV

I gave the class five minutes and while they got themselves organized I looked over at every pair to see how my matchmaking went this time around. I saw Gajeel and Levy sitting closer together than when they first met. Ahh! maybe they are together now! I knew that it would work out for them. I smiled to myself and moved on not seeing anybody showing signs of dating but I did notice that they were all smiling and laughing. So even if they don't all get together, I'm just glad that they all had the opportunity to make new friends.

Natsu's POV

Ms. Strauss then got our attention and started calling out the order we were to present in. Me and Lucy were seventh, which isn't bad because seven is actually my lucky number. The presentations flew by and we were able to get through everyone in the class time. Surprisingly, it was interesting to watch what people had come up with. I thought it was going to be a boring class like every other day. Lucy walked out of the class with me.

"See you after school" she said waving goodbye.

"See you then" I responded with a wave and then continued to my gym class.

~Time skip to end of day~

I normally have to wait outside for Lucy but today she was already standing there waiting for me.

"Oh hey you're here early" I said as I walked towards her.

"Yeah" She laughed nervously, "I ditched fourth period because I forgot to study for the test so I'll just write it tomorrow"

"How rebellious" I smirked at her. Making her blush slightly.

"Oh come on I'm sure that you have skipped before" She laughed but I didn't know how to respond so I just stood there and stared at her. Her laugh slowly died down when she noticed me not moving. "Uh..." I started to shuffle.

"No way! You have never skipped!" She shouted grabbing both of my shoulders and I tensed at the sudden action but then slowly relaxed. I shook my head in embarrassment. "Hmmm I really thought you were the type."

She thought I was the type to skip? Do I look like a thug or something? I had no idea how to respond to her statement. "Well uh I-I just never had a reason to" I quickly finished.

"Well then what is the best period for you?"

"Wait you can't be serious"

"Obviously I am, so pick."

"Well we have no reason to skip, what are we even gonna do?" her eyes lit up and I was slightly afraid of what she was thinking, but also enamored by her beauty and excitement.

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