Chapter 17 - The Library

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Natsu's POV

I got my test results back in math and I totally bombed it. Maybe I should take Lucy up on that tutoring offer? I went up to her while the class was chatting and asked her how she did.

"I got a ninety five. What about you?" My mouth gaped open. How in the world did she do so well?

"Yeah about that, I want to take you up on that offer."

"Oh you did that bad huh? Or you just can't get enough of me you want me to tutor you?" She teased, winking at me.

I rolled my eyes at her, "Will you help me?"

She chuckled "Yeah we can start today. Meet me in the library after school"

I nodded and took my seat again looking over my test, still in awe that she did so well. I only got a forty five. I sighed to myself, at least that's a better mark than the last one.

~Time skip to after school~

I met up with Lucy in the library like she said and we sat down in the far back behind the many rows of books. On a secluded couch in the corner of the room, we began to get to work. She began giving me practise problems to help me get better where I was struggling. Which was literally everything, so all she had to do was give me any problem that was in the textbook.

"Hey Lucy, I'm already stuck" she looked at my paper and gasped at the sight.

"You haven't even started!!!"

"Yeah I don't even know where to start" I sighed.

"Fine. I'll help you with this one, but you are on your own for the next"

She helped me through the first problem and left me alone to work on the next ones. Lucy got up from her seat and began looking through the many shelves of books. I watched her out of the corner of my eye as I worked on the math problems that she gave me.

I could see that she had her mind set on one book on the very top shelf. She was way too short to reach it. I watched as she stretched her hand towards the book in an attempt to grab it.

Without thinking, I quietly stood up, and walked so that I was positioned right next to her and grabbed onto her wrist. I slowly guided her hand back down to her side and smiled. I then proceeded to grab the book off of the top of the shelf and hand it to her.

"Here you go" I said with another toothy grin.

"Thanks" she shyly smiled back and looked down at the floor. Then she must have realized I wasn't doing the worksheet anymore, "Hey get back to work!" She said sternly pointing a finger at me.

"But it's just so boring" I moaned.

"Well if you don't want me to help you then let's just go home" She said dryly, picking up her bag and making her way through the maze of book shelves.

"Wait! No please stay Lucy I really need your help" I said, giving her my best pouty face.

Lucy stopped in her tracks and pivoted back to face me. "I know silly, you always need my help" she said sarcastically.

We worked together on the rest of the worksheets that she gave to me and by the time that we were finished, I actually understood math a little bit better. We packed up our bags and pulled on our coats. I saw her dig in her purse and pull out my muffler, she must love that thing.

"Hey Lucy nice scarf" I said, giving her a sarcastic wink. She blushed and laughed. I was actually telling the truth, the scarf did look really good on her.

"I know right! It's designer" she said giggling as she dramatically flipped her hair and exited the library.

We were walking down the street in the cold November air. We didn't really talk, but it wasn't awkward either. It was nice to just be able to walk in a comfortable silence. We approached the corner where we split in opposite directions towards our own homes.

"Goodbye Lucy! See you tomorrow!" I said with a wave. She waved back to me and we turned our separate ways.

"Hey Natsu?"

"Yeah Lucy?" I said turning back around to face her.

"We are good friends now right?" she asked looking at the sidewalk shyly.

"Of course" I said, a little confused where she was going with this.

"Well then" She looked up from the sidewalk and smiled, "You should come hang out with my friends and I tomorrow after school, you could bring your friends too!"

"Oh yeah sure sounds like fun!" I could tell she was nervous on how I would answer but when I said yes her eyes lit up brighter than I have ever seen them before.

"Ok I'll text you the details!" She waved and turned around to begin her walk.

I could feel my face heat up and I also continued my walk. I can't wait to go tell Lisanna and Gray.

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