Chapter 12 - What I Wanted

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Levy's POV

Today Gajeel told me to meet him at his locker after school so that we could go and work on our science project. I turned the corner and saw him standing by himself leaning on the wall. He looked good and I couldn't help but notice. After being forced to work with him I've actually started to take a liking to him. I blush at just the thought of him. He is definitely not as bad of a guy as he seems when you first look at him.

"Hey Gajeel" I smiled, approaching him.

"Yo shrimp, you ready to be finished with this stupid project" he stated rolling his eyes.

"Come on, it's not that bad, now come on let's go." I motioned for him to follow me.

"Ok but where are we gonna go anyways?" he questioned. I never actually thought about where we were gonna go and work on it.

"Um" I stared at the floor, then looked up at him "I honestly have no idea" He smirked and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the school entrance.

"I have a spot in mind" He took me out the doors and around to the back of the school. I had no idea where he was taking me but I didn't protest and just followed him instead. We walked through the field to the back near the fence where there was a little patch of trees.

"We can work right here underneath this tree until it gets dark" he said looking at me for a reaction.

"Yeah sure sounds good just let me text my mom" I pulled out my phone and sent her a message, then proceeded to sit down next to him against the trunk of the tree.

We bagan where we left off the last time we worked on this project. My hair kept falling in my face every time that I looked down so pulled my favorite orange headband out of my bag and put it in my hair. I noticed Gajeel look over at me doing this.

"Do you need one too?" i teased.

"Do you have another one?" I laughed not realizing he was serious, I guess his hair falls in his face too.

I nodded and handed him one of black ones which I knew that he would prefer over a colored one. It was one of the thicker bands that I own and he put it on. It actually didn't look half bad on him.

"Ok now let's get back to work before you tease me some more" he said with a wink and I couldn't help but laugh at him. I liked him better when he acted like this rather than always acting all tough. It was like he was actually being himself. I threw my books to the side and lied down in the grass. He looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"I know, I may be a bookworm but I need to take breaks too" I stated looking up into the blue sky.

"Hey I wasn't saying anything" He put his arms up as if he was surrendering.

I laughed at his childish actions and I noticed that he layed down beside me, joining me on the grass.

"It sure is a nice today, if only everyday could be like this" he said with a sigh.

"Yea but if everyday was like this then there would be no rainy days" I contradicted him.

"Why would you want rainy days they're so gloomy"

"Never to me. Rainy days are the best days" I said with the goofiest smile on my face.

He propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at me with a small smile. I blushed slightly.

"What is it about rainy days you like so much?"

"On those days I can just sit inside and read. I can wrap myself up in blankets and sit by a warm fire and just read forever till there is nothing left for me to read!"

He pushed a piece of hair out of my face making my heart beat faster at the feeling of his touch. "You love reading that much?" He wondered.

"Yes of course! There are just so many wonderful books out there just waiting for me to read what they have to say" He was getting so close to my face that I could feel his breath, he didn't move any closer waiting for me to finish what I was saying. So i proceeded trying to ignore my heart bursting out of my chest and how hot my face felt, "there are so many stories that I want to know about and not to mention all th-" I never got to finish because he had closed the distance between us.

I couldn't take in what was happening not sure if it's what I wanted or not but I stopped thinking and just kissed him back. And I realized that this is exactly what I have wanted all along.


We're sorry that there was no Nalu in this chapter but we felt like we really needed a Gale moment. And you can't deny that this was absolutely adorable. We promise to have more Nalu moments coming up:) Also thank you all for continuing to read this story it means a lot!

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