Chapter 26 - New Years Eve

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Lucy's POV

I was settling into bed when I saw my phone light up on the night stand. I picked it up and looked at it to find that Levy had messaged me.

Hey Lu! I'm having a new years party at my house and I hope that you can make it! It starts at 9, let me know if you can.

I was typing back to her when I looked up to see Natsu come out of the bathroom without a shirt on. He walked to the dresser and picked his phone up off the top, looking at it.

"I got a text from Levy did you?" I asked him.

"Yea I did, wanna go?"

"Of course!" I practically screamed in excitement, I love parties. I plugged my phone into the wall and lied down on my back in the spot closest to the wall, which is my side of the bed now because I have basically moved into Natsu's room. Its comforting knowing that I'm not alone and that Natsu is there if I have another nightmare, but I haven't had one in a while so I think that sleeping in the same bed with him is helping.

He put his phone down after responding to Levy, then closed the door and turned off the lights. It was super dark because my eyes were still adjusting and I could feel Natsu lay down next to me. He pulled the covers up ontop of us. I couldn't tell which way he was facing, but I was cold and wanted to move closer. I put my hand out in front of me and it hit his skin, he let out a small gasp.

"Sorry, I just can't see you" I said, embarrassed. It's a good thing that he couldn't see the blush on my cheeks.

"Its ok you just startled me a little" my eyes were getting used to the dark now and I could see Natsu a little better, it looked like he was facing towards me. "Are you cold?" He must have felt how cold my hands were.

"Y-yea a little" he shuffled and was now closer to me, I could feel his soft skin and I pulled the blankets farther up and buried my crimson face in his chest. "Are we gonna tell everyone at the party that I'm staying with you in your house?"

He took a long pause before answering me, "No, not yet we can just wait until school starts again or something"

"Okay sounds good" after that, my breathing slowed and I could feel myself slipping into sleep, my body pressed right up against Natsu's.

~New Year's Eve~

Natsu's POV

It was 7 pm and Lucy and I were getting ready to go to Levy's house for the party. Gray offered to pick us up and I just told him that Lucy would walk over to my house so that he didn't have to drive further to Lucy's. I wanted to make sure that no one will become suspicious so that we can keep the fact that she is living with me on the down low. Gray was going to be here at eight fifteen, and Lucy said that it was only a fifteen to twenty minute drive to Levy's.

"Hey Natsu! Have you seen my curling iron?" she asked, yelling out the bathroom.

"Umm I don't thin- Oh wait its right here" I picked it up off of my dresser and walked to the bathroom, handing it to her.


"No problem" I went back to my dresser to find a shirt to wear that wasn't too dressy or too casual. I decided to go for a plain black t-shirt with my coat over top.

Lucy walked out of the bathroom with her hair curled and she was wearing skinny jeans with a purple lace top. She looked super cute.

"I hope your ready" I said, looking at my phone to find a text from Gray. "because he is here"

"Ugh ok hold on a second" she grabbed her purse, throwing a bunch of things in it. "Now I'm ready" She went to the door, opened it and stepped outside towards the stairs.

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