Chapter 32 - Graduation

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A/N: Don't play the song yet, we will let you know when:)


Natsu's POV

Today is the big day, the day of the graduation dance. Lucy kicked me out of my own house because I 'wasn't allowed to see her before we leave for the dance', so here I am, driving around town waiting for her to text me that she is ready to be picked up. As I was driving I was running through a list in my head of everything to make sure that I wasn't forgetting anything. My suit was in the back seat so I could change at some point, but I wasn't quite sure where yet.

Oh man, I forgot to get a corsage. That's a thing that people do, right? I texted Gray and asked if he got one for Juvia, He said yes so I did some searching online to find a place where I could get one fast. I finally found a small flower shop that sold things like that so I ran in and asked the lady at the counter to help me.

"What color is your dates dress so we can match it?" she asked me and I paused, realizing I had no idea what Lucy was wearing to the dance. I pulled out my phone, telling the lady to wait a second.

Hey Lucy! What color is your dress?

I'm not gonna tell you that! It would be pointless to have kicked you out then!


NO! You must wait.

Fine :(

"I don't know, she won't tell me" I said, pocketing my phone and looking up at the lady.

'That's fine, let's go with white then because it matches everything" she smiled at me as I nodded my head. "What kind do you want?"

"There is different kinds?" She laughed at my surprise. She could tell I was new at this sort of thing.

"Yeah, different styles like bracelets, pins, clips. Which do you think she would prefer?"

"Maybe something for her hair, she wears it down all the time so I think that she would look best with that" I began smiling, thinking about Lucy and how beautiful she would be with the white flower in her hair.

"Ok here now you can pick which style of flower you want" she turned around and pulled out a box with many different white flower hair pins. I looked through them all until I found the perfect one, it was a simple rose shape that had Lucy written all over it. I paid and went back to my car when I get a text from Lucy saying that she was ready. I still had to put my suit on, so I pulled into a gas station and used their restroom. It wasn't ideal but I needed to be quick. after I had my suit on and got a few weird looks from people, I filled my tank up and drove home.

I pulled in the driveway and got out of the car, walking up the steps and into my house.

"Lucy, I'm home!" I shouted, closing the door behind me.

"Took you long enough" I could hear her chuckle as she came into view, walking down the stairs. My face dropped and she must have seen, because she was smiling uncontrollably as she made her way towards me, she looked stunning and taller then normal but still not taller then me, she must have been wearing heels but I couldn't see them under her long dress. Her hair was perfectly curled hung down to her collarbones like I expected, it's a good thing I choose the hair pin. Her dress was perfect and she looked so good in it.

"Lucy, wow... I don't even have words, you look so beautiful" Her cheeks turned pink and she looked at the ground. "Oh I have this for you" I opened the box I was holding that held the corsage.

"Its so pretty" her eyes sparking. I picked it up "May I?" she nodded and turned around, allowing me to attempt and pin it into her hair.

"Just don't mess up my hair" She tried to be serious but said it through a laugh instead.

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