Chapter 13 - Ice Cream Shop

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Lucy's POV

Levy ran up to me in the hallways before school this morning with the biggest smile that I have ever seen on her face.

"Hey! You must be in a good mood" I said to her, smiling happily. Her cheeriness was rubbing off on me.

"Oh it's just that me and..." she trailed off.

"What is it?!" I asked her, curious as to what she was so hesitant to say.

"Gajeel and I are dating now!"

"OH MY GOD!" I squealed, I have been waiting for them to get together since he came to this school! It was bound to happen at some point. "That is great news! Now tell me every detail!" she told me everything and when she got to the part about the kiss I almost melted. It was just so cute and I was so happy for her. After our little conversation, we headed to our classes.

~Time skip to end of day~

I met up with Natsu at the gate so that we could hang out and work on our project since it is due soon. We did work on our project together a couple of times after the first day when we went to my house, but that was only in the library after school hours. At first I thought that this project was going to suck because I didn't get partnered with any one of my friends, but it actually turned out really good because I met Natsu.

"Hey" he greeted as I approached.

"Hey, where are we gonna go?" I asked curious to what he had in mind since he was the one who texted me.

"W-well I was t-thinking we c-could go to my house?" He began to blush but I pretended not to notice because I could tell that he was nervous. "Since we went to yours last time" he ended off his sentence.

"Sure works for me!" I said, trying to help with the awkward conversation that was brewing. I began walking until I realized that I had no idea where his house was. I stopped mid-step and I started to heat up with embarrassment as I heard Natsu trying not to laugh. He wasn't doing a very good job.

"I'm sorry for laughing but you were really determined" He attempted to say through his fit of laughter. Now that we have gotten more comfortable being around each other he isn't as shy as he used to be. Wait what am I thinking? I don't normally think about other people too much, I'm always so worried about my own reputation.

"Well nevermind that just lead the way then" He turned the opposite way I was going and began his stroll. I had to jog to catch up to him. We walked side by side in silence and it was starting to get awkward, but I had no idea how to save the situation.

Before I could come up with something to say, he grabbed my hand and pulled me around the corner and down the street. I immediately recognized where we were.

"I thought it would be fun to come here because we are always working so maybe it would..." he trailed off his sentence because he saw my eyes tearing up. "Is something wrong?"

I shook my head and wiped my eyes. "Let's go in" I could see by the look on his face that he was worried.

We entered the ice cream shop on the corner street and went to order. Natsu got a mint chocolate chip cone and I almost ordered what I always get which was a strawberry cone. I couldn't bring myself to say it so I went with a vanilla cone instead.

We sat down in the booth by the window. I was staring out the window thinking when I was interrupted by a concerned voice.

"Are you sure you are alright?" Natsu asked. "Your mood changed when we arrived here, did I do something?" he was starting panic.

"No, no ,no it wasn't your fault this place just brings back a lot of memories" I said looking at the table. "Me and my ex used to come here" I could feel my eyes start to sting.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know I should never have brought you here, we can go now if you want"

"No. Please can we stay? I need to forget about all those old memories and try to make some new ones" he turned back to look at me and then he smiled, he has such a nice smile.

"Ok I'm glad you're moving on it's never good to relish in the past for too long"

We finished our ice cream and headed on our way to Natsu's house. We arrived shortly and a nice looking lady greeted us. I'm guessing that it's Natsu's mom. She looked quite surprised to see me.

"So this must be the girl you that won't shut up about" She teased, winking at Natsu.

"No don't start this Aunt Grandeeney!" He shouted as he began to blush. "Ok Lucy let's go now" He said as he started walking up the stairs. I followed him not really wanting to be left downstairs alone with her.

"You kids have fun now!" she shouted up the stairs making sure Natsu heard her.

We entered Natsu's room and he plopped on the edge of his bed with a long sigh.

"Sorry about my aunt she can be a little too nosy sometimes"

"Oh it's alright" I took a seat in the chair by his desk. "She seems nice"

"Yeah she is but also equally a pain in the ass" he said with another sigh. "Well we better get to work"

"I suppose you are right" we both sighed and then proceeded to laugh. We decided to set ourselves on the floor where we would have the most space.

"So you live with your aunt?" I realized that I probably should not have asked that question as soon as it left my mouth.

"Yeah I do I have since I was five" he said without taking his concentration off the task at hand.

"Wow thats a long time, what happened to your parents if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh, well my mother died of an illness and then my dad couldn't handle the stress so he left me with my aunt and cousin. Who knows where he is now"

"I'm so sorry to hear that Natsu are you ok?" I asked, slightly regretting bringing up this topic.

"Yea I'll be fine I've been dealing with it for most of my life so I've come to terms with it now" he said with his signature smile. How could he be so strong when he lost everything? He is ok with what happened to him and I've been crying over a dumb breakup? He really is something else.


A/N: Sorry that we haven't updated in the last two days we've been procrastinating pretty much every night so enjoy this chapter:)

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