Chapter 31 - Shopping

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Lucy's POV

~2 Months Later~

Grad was approaching fast and by fast I meant that it was this weekend. We have been on exam break for a week now but lucky me, all of my exams are finished. Poor Natsu still has to write his math exam so I've been helping him study for it.

Levy had texted the girls group chat yesterday saying that we should go out and buy dresses for grad. Since Erza can drive she agreed to pick us all up, and so here I was, waiting for her standing in the cold outside of Natsu's house.

I hopped into the back seat next to Juvia, while Levy was sitting shotgun.

"Okay, all we need to do is pick up Cana then we can go the the mall" Erza said while checking her mirrors before pulling out of the driveway.

After picking up Cana we drove over to the nearest shopping centre, and Levy jumped out of the car first. She was super excited about this, she became the leader as she guided us to all of the different stores.

After a few long hours of trying on dresses we didn't like, we felt like giving up.

"Maybe this is telling us not to wear dresses to the dance" I said with a pout.

"We can't give up now" Erza stated, raising her fist in the air all triumphant like.

"Levy do you have any other places in mind?" Juvia asked.

The bluenette went deep into thought before pulling out her phone and typing something really fast. Immediately, her phone buzzed and her entire face lit up.

"Girls I have one more store left to check!" We all cheered and headed out to Erza's car because apparently this place wasn't in the mall.


Levy got to sit shotgun again, giving directions to Erza as she drove. She took us into a more quiet area of town which was lined with tiny boutiques and bakeries.

"Ok guys, so I have this friend who makes dresses for a living and she owns a boutique around here. I texted her earlier and she says we can go check it out" she informed us.

"Oh nice! But why didn't we come here first?" Erza asked.

"She is really busy so I didn't want to bother her if we didn't need too"

"Fair enough" I finished off the conversation as we entered into the shop.

"Welcome welcome" greeted a lady with red hair which was tied into two long braids and a crazy look on her face. She had a tape measure around her neck and was holding lots of different pieces of colored fabric. She did really look like a crazy dress lady, but if Levy says she's good, then I believe her.

"Hey Flare good to see you!" Levy said giving the woman a hug.

"Nice to see you as well," she smiled and then motioned to the rest of the group, "what can I do for you girls?"

"We need dresses for graduation" Levy said to her.

"Ahhh yes let's start one by one" She said while looking at all of us.

"I'll go first" Cana said stepping forward.

"Ok follow me" she lead all of us to the back of the store where there was a fitting room and a couch outside of it. We all took a seat but Cana, who stood in front of the curtain. "What kind of dress are looking for?"

"Like a dark color, short, tighter fit dress" was Canas request, she added in afterwards, "also not too formal please." and Flare came zooming back with a few dresses that sort of matched the description. She handed them to Cana and she went behind the curtain to try them on.

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