Chapter 10 - Waking Up To A Suprise

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Lucy's POV

My eyes fluttered open and I immediately started taking in my surroundings. I saw that the TV had been turned off and the CD case that was open on the coffee table had been put away. I also felt a lot warmer than I usually am, maybe I'm coming down with a fever? I looked down at my torso to see if there were blankets on me but there were none, instead I saw an arm hanging over my waist. Startled, I lifted the arm and got up off the couch. I turned around and saw Natsu sleeping up against the back of the couch with just enough room in front of him for another person. It took me a minute to process what had happened, but I just couldn't figure out how we ended up in that position. It must have happened while we were sleeping. I wonder how long we were asleep for? As soon as the thought crossed my mind, I smelled bacon cooking from in the kitchen. I walked In and saw Virgo cooking bacon and eggs with toast.

"Good morning princess, are you ready for school?" She asked in a simple tone.


"Yes princess it is currently 8:30"

"In the morning?!" I yelled, shocked. I couldn't believe that we slept through the whole night. Now we have to walk to school together. I hope that nobody notices because I really don't feel like being interrogated today.

"Well of course what else would it be?" She questioned looking concerned. "Better go wake up your friend before you are both late" she winked at me as she turned back to cooking.

I sighed and walked back into the living room and bent down beside Natsu, I'm really not sure how I should wake him up. You know, he does look pretty cute when he's asleep. Quickly snapping out of my daze I decided to just poke him until he woke up. His eyes slowly opened and he was obviously dazed and confused.

"Good morning sleepy head" I greeted with a smile.

"Morning? What time is it?"

"About 8:40 by now so hurry or we will be late for school. Breakfast is being made" it was already too late when I realized that he wasn't at his own house so he had no way of getting ready. "Hey I can give you a toothbrush to use and I'm sure I could find some extra clothes for you to change into." He mumbled his thanks as I went to find him the items

I returned and he was awake and checking his phone. "Here you go, they were some of Stings old clothes that he left here but I'm sure that they will fit you." I said while handing him the clothes then proceeded to point him in the direction of the washroom.

When he was done he entered the kitchen to join me in eating the breakfast that Virgo made for us. I couldn't help but notice how good he looked in Stings clothes, it's almost as if they were meant for Natsu. He sat down beside me on one of the bar stools that we have by the kitchen Island. We began to eat and I looked over at the clock and noticed it was five to nine.

"Oh crap we have to go!" As I said with my mouth full as I got up and started gathering my things. Natsu did the same and we bolted out the door. We mostly jogged to try and make it to school on time.

We entered together and the hallways were almost empty. We jogged up the stairs and paused to catch our breath before entering the classroom. We were already late so there was no point in trying to make it on time anymore. After we calmed down we entered the class and it seems like everyone looked at us. We silently took our seats.

~Time Skip To Lunch~

"Where were you this morning?" Levy asked with a little curiosity and concern, we always talk in the morning before the bell.

"Oh I just woke up late, I u-um forgot to set my alarm" which was half true.

She propped her elbows up on the table and looked me right in the eye. "Bull, now what really happened?"

I sighed looking at the floor I knew I wasn't going to get away with this. "Fine I'll tell you, but not here." I got up from the table and guided her to the bathroom. I looked around to make sure no one was in the washroom with us. When it was clear I began.

"Ok well so..." I told her everything from the science project and being paired with Natsu to us falling asleep and waking up beside him this morning.

"Wait this sounds great but who is Natsu?"

Realizing that she didn't know who he was. "Oh he is this guy that is actually in all my classes and I didn't even know who he was until we got partnered up" I laughed a little hesitant.

"Oh well is he at least hot?"

I never thought of that before, I never really considered him to be more than a friend, so I never really decided if he was hot, but now that Levy mentions it, he is pretty attractive. "I suppose, but that doesn't mean that I'm attracted to him Lev, we are just stuck doing a project together" I said to her pushing away the topic.

"Oh alright then" she shrugged off the idea and I could breathe a little better. We could hear the bell for third period ring from outside of the bathroom, "We should probably get to our classes now"

"Yeah good idea" I walked out with her and we walked towards our science class.


A/N: Hey guys!! We hope you are enjoying the story so far and we just want to say thank you for over 100 reads!! We never thought we would make it this far honestly:) Thanks again for all of the support! <3

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