Chapter 16 - Hiding the Truth

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Natsu's POV

I am so glad that it is finally the weekend. School is really starting to get on my nerves because it just keeps getting harder and harder. Honestly, I just need to get good enough grades to pass. I checked my phone and noticed that I had a text from Lucy. She wanted me to meet at the park halfway between our houses as soon as possible. I jumped out of bed and began getting ready as fast as I could. What could this be about? I hurried out the door yelling at Grandeeney that I would be right back.

I walked at a very past pace to the park and as it came into view I saw her sitting on the swing with her hands in her lap. She was wearing my scarf again, she must love that thing. Her face brightened when she saw me and she got up from the swing to meet me. She was holding her left wrist and I could see tears welling in her eyes.

"Oh my, hey are you ok? What happened?"

"You asked if my I was ok after that fall yesterday" she was trying to hold back her tears. I guided her to a bench to sit down on.

"Yeah I did"

"I said I was fine, I thought that I would just ice my wrist and it would be ok but then I fell and made it worse. I don't know what to do."

"It's ok we can go to the hospital and get it x-rayed. I can help you"

"No we cant." I looked at her confused and she had fear in her eyes. Maybe she is afraid of hospitals.

"Why not? Are you afraid of hospitals?"

"Afraid? Yes I am. Terribly afraid actually." she said with a nervous voice.

"Well okay then, we can go back to my house where its warm and I can bandage it up?"

"Yes that is perfect. Thank you... Natsu"

We walked back to my house and through my front door, I was ready for Grandeeney to yell at me for leaving the house so suddenly. To my surprise, she was actually nowhere to be found, there was a note left on the counter that said that her and Wendy are out shopping and will be back in about an hour.

"Looks like we have the house to ourselves" I said with a sigh, I lead her up to my room and let her sit on my bed. I ran and grabbed our first aid kit and some ice from the kitchen.

Lucy's POV

I took a seat at the edge of Natsu's bed and held my wrist. Man, I am such an idiot sometimes. I should have told him the whole truth but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Ever since my dad started drinking again it has gotten worse and worse. I thought that he would never revert back to his old self but I never could have been more wrong. He treats me and my mother like garbage and its all because of his drinking problem. He had hit me again for skipping class and coming home late, that's how I fell for the second time, injuring my wrist further. I used makeup like I always do to cover up my purple jaw.

I want to tell Natsu but I'm just too afraid of what he might say.

He came back with a whole bunch of first aid stuff in his arms and set it down on the bed beside me. He kneeled down in front of me and softly applied the ice pack to my wrist. I flinched at the cold but felt relief as it slowly numbed the pain. He began wrapping my wrist in a bandage and I just couldn't hold back my tears anymore so I let them fall silently down my cheeks. He noticed what I was doing and looked up at me.

"Hey what's wrong now?" He asked in such a caring voice that just made me cry even more. I was crying so much I couldn't form words anymore. He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into a hug. He was so warm and gentle with me. I hugged him back, clenching the collar of his shirt with my good hand. I didn't care anymore, my emotions were overwhelming me. I buried my head into his shoulder.

"Its okay, you don't have to tell me until you feel ready" His words were sincere and comforting. I broke our hug to look up at him.

"I'll tell you one day just not right now" He leaned his face in, closer to mine until I could feel his warm breath on my face. We were just a few inches inches apart. My heart rate quickened and I didn't know what he was going to do.

Natsu brought his right hand to my face and cupped my cheek, grazing my jaw in the process. I flinched when he touched my bruise and he quickly moved his face away from mine.

"Why does your jaw hurt?" I could see his worried eyes scan my face and I looked away from him.

"Oh I just landed on it when I fell up the stairs. Its just sensitive it will go away don't worry" I said, forcing a smile trying to make him not ask anymore questions.

"Ok if that's what you say" he said sounding more agitated and I knew that he saw right through my smile. If he knew that I was lying, why did he accept it?

Natsu's POV

I could tell that she was leaving out a major detail of her story and I was determined to find out what it was so that I can help her. She has shed enough tears today so I left the topic alone, but I will do whatever I can to make sure that she stays happy.

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