Chapter 20 - Unexpected

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Lucy's POV

The party was going very well and nobody else got caught under the mistletoe after Gray and Juvia's little incident. They were all too afraid, it was almost eleven o'clock when things started to feel off. Everyone started acting weird and I was slightly scared of what they were actually up to, they all seemed suspicious of something. Then Levy came up to me.

"Hey Lucy come over here I have something I need to tell you" She said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me to a wall by the kitchen.

"Hey what's up?" I asked with a confused look on my face. She made sure to look around her in all directions very carefully. She didn't even answer me, all she did was shove me backwards into the doorway of the kitchen. "What was that for?" I yelled, annoyed at this point.

Someone bumped into my back and I turned around to see none other than Natsu. We looked at each other confused as to what was happening. It then dawned on me that we were in the archway to the kitchen. They got us at our own prank. Hoping that this was all just a bad dream, I slowly lifted my head up to see that the mistletoe was still there. Natsu looked up as well and we both lowered our gaze to look at each other and blushed.

"KISS" Canna yelled, causing everyone to start chanting again.

My face began to heat up even more and my heart was pounding so fast that I thought it might burst. I was looking at Natsu trying to read him, was he gonna go for it or not? I couldn't tell, I was so nervous that I began to freeze up and I didn't know how to react. Everyone kept chanting and it was pounding in my ears, I looked down at the ground in embarrassment, my face turning a whole new shade of red.

I could feel his hand softly cup my cheek, as he lifted my face up to look at him. He looked at me with his onyx eyes.

He leaned in closer to my face and whispered in my ear, " Might as well get this over with, right?" I couldn't help but smile at him. He pulled away from me and smiled his signature grin.

He began to slowly lean in towards me and I let my eyes close. It seemed like he was taking forever, so I grew a little impatient and opened them up again. He was so close to me that could feel his warm breath against my skin. His eyes were shut so I just closed the small space between us, taking him by surprise. He quickly recovered, putting his hands on my waist, and kissed me back. I brought my hands to his hair and tangled my fingers through it. I guess we both got lost in the heat of the moment because we interrupted by Gray coughing loudly. We broke apart and looked at the smiles on each of our faces. Our attention was immediately directed to Gray hysterically laughing. This caused everyone to join in, even Natsu and I began to laugh.

Once everyone had calmed down, Cana spoke "You only had to give each other a peck on the lips you know"

"You guys got so into it!" Gray shouted beginning another laughing fit. Causing everyone to begin laughing again, apparently our kiss was just hilarious to everybody.

It was around 12am when people began to leave, Lisanna and Yukino left first. Everyone slowly left after them and Cana and Natsu were the last ones left. I don't think that Cana realized that the party was over because she was just so drunk.

"Hey, can I stay and help you clean up?" Natsu asked me.

"Thank you, I could use some help" I responded, looking at the mess around the kitchen and living room. "Hey Cana! Party's over!" I yelled at her.

She stood up and walked to the door where Natsu and I were standing. "Oh ok bye! See you later lovebirds!" she slurred, stumbling out the door.

I shook my head and laughed " I hope that she makes it home alright" I say, turning away from the door and heading towards the kitchen.

I grabbed garbage bags for Natsu and I, then we began to pick up all of the garbage. We had about a half bag of garbage each and we haven't even gotten to the living room yet. As we were working, I heard the front door open and then slam shut, I knew that it wasn't my mom. I panicked and shoved Natsu into the pantry.

"Whatever you do, just please be quiet, I have to deal with something. Ok?" He nodded his head and I closed the door.

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