Chapter 33 - It Only Took You a Year

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Natsu's POV

"Hey Luce, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Yeah but you know you're already talking to me, idiot." I laughed at her sarcastic comment. "Let's go sit at the table and then you can tell me, I'm kind of tired" She said with a laugh and began walking towards the table.

Quickly, I grabbed her wrist turning her back around to face me. "I have a better idea" She looked at me confused but I could see in her eyes that she was intrigued. "Come on, follow me" I moved my hand from her wrist intertwining our fingers as I lead her out of the gym.

"Natsu, where are we going?" she asked as I lead her through the halls of the school.

"Its a surprise" I said being very mischievous about it.

"But why won't you tell me?" I lead her up the stairs.

"Because a surprise is a surprise you aren't supposed to know silly" We were on the top floor of the school now.

"What is on the top floor that you want to go? The chemistry room?" I laughed at her as I brought her to a door with a sign saying staff only"

"This, now stop asking questions"

"This is staff only we can't go in whatever it is"

"You mean out" I opened the door as a cold breeze blew inside. I walked out, pulling her with me.

"The roof?! Why here?" I could see her shaking from the chilly night air, I took off my suit jacket and put it around her shoulders while walking to the edge and looking over.

"Its peaceful and quiet" I heard her laugh behind me then felt her warm hands wrap around my body from behind.

"It is peaceful out here and the air is nice too" I put my arm around her and moved her so she was standing beside me. We both just sat quietly looking at the city each with an arm around the other until she broke the silence. "So what did you want to talk about?" She looked up at me with her sparkling eyes.

"Well you see... we have gotten really close this past year"

"Yeah pretty close" I smiled, turning her to face me.

"I never thought this would happen to me of all people, I was a loser back then who wanted to so badly talk to the most popular girl in school but never knew how" I could see the blush in her soft cheeks.

"I never thought I would talk to you either, no offense but I just had all my friends so I wasn't really planning to branch out" I could feel my cheeks heat up as well.

"It was all thanks to Ms. Strauss that my dreams came true" I looked down at her and smiled my signature grin, I was just so happy. The girl of my dreams was standing right infront of me.

"It really was or I never would have met you and you never would have saved me like you did"

"Good thing I did" I said with a small laugh and she laughed too. "I brought you up here to ask you something"

"Okay ask me anything"

I pushed a lock of hair behind her ear "Luce, will you be my girlfriend?"

Her face changed with shock and I could tell she wasnt expecting that, until it changed again and she began smiling and blushing like a madman. She wasted no time as she entangled one of her hands into my hair and pulled me close, closing the distance between us. She was forceful, I could feel her emotions through her kiss and after the shock left my body I put my hands on her hips, pulling her as close as I possibly could. Our bodies were pressed together and our lips were moving in sync, my heart was racing and I could feel hers was too. This was exactly the answer I was hoping for and I wouldn't have asked for it in any other way. We broke apart, taking a breather and she looked up at me with the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face.

"It only took you a year"


A/N: The End!!

Hope you guys liked the book, we had a ton of fun writing it and are sad its over. We aren't sure if we want to write a sequel or not but if you guys do let us know! Thank you to everyone for all your support <3

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