Chapter 19 - Mistletoe

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Lucy's POV

I have everything perfectly planned for this party. I made sure to plan it on a night when my mom is working a night shift at the hospital and on a weekend meaning that my dad will be at his favorite bar drinking. He does it every week, he gets disgustingly drunk and shows up the next morning to work like nothing had happened. My mom was getting tired of just sitting around and letting my father make all of the money for the family, so she started training as a nurse at the nearby hospital so she goes to medical school during the day, and works crazy hours during the night, so she is rarely home. She is aware of my dad's drinking problem, but she doesn't know how serious it actually is. She doesn't know that when he is drunk he gets violent, but I don't blame her, she's always pretty busy with her life so I'm not really as close to her as I once was.

I finished setting things up for the party and looked at the clock, 7:47. people will start to show up within the next ten minutes or so. I had a mental checklist that I went through before everyone arrived. Snacks? check. Decorations? check. Music? check. Everything seemed ready to go and then I heard a quiet knock on the door. I went to go open it and it was Levy.

"Hi! come on in" I said, welcoming her into my home.

"Hi Lu!" she said, cheerfully stepping inside and giving me a hug.

I showed her where to hang up her coat and slowly everyone else showed up. After Levy came Juvia and Cana, then Gajeel, Jellal and Erza all showed up at the same time. Natsu and Gray came together, with Loke following close behind. Lisanna and her friend Yukino showed up last.

We were all sitting in my living room and I came in last behind Lisanna.

"Ok everyone is here" I said, and everyone started to get into the partying spirit. I was able to provide us with some alcohol because my dad always has some around the house. We mostly just talked, drank and played some classic party games.

"Hey nice party!" Natsu said approaching me in the kitchen.

"Thanks" I said, beginning to blush.

"So Gray and Juvia seem to be hitting it off" he said with a chuckle.

"Yeah no kidding" I looked around the mass of people trying to find them. I caught Juvia guiding Gray out to the backyard. "Oooh do you see that" I pointed to the scene and smirked.

"I wonder what they are up to" Natsu said with a smug look on his face. "We should look out the window"

"Natsu! We can not peep on their privacy!"

"Ok fine then why don't we join the rest of the party?" he smiled, holding out his hand to me.

I grabbed his hand and he brought me back to the living room with everyone else.

"Anyone up for another round of beer pong?" Loke asked and everyone cheered, so he began another game. Him and Cana were on a team against Jellal and Erza.

I have never seen such an intense game of beer pong before. Each team wanted to win so badly and by the end of the match, Loke and Cana were the champions. I was just glad everyone was enjoying themselves. We even listened to some Christmas music to try and stay in the spirit of the holidays, but we mostly treated it as just a regular party. Halfway through the night though, I secretly placed a mistletoe above the opening to the kitchen. I was determined to catch someone off guard. Natsu agreed to help me stay on patrol.

We hung around the area making sure that we didn't look suspicious, but we never took our eyes off of it. We patiently waited for our first victims, this was one way to have a little fun.

"Got you!" I yelled, laughing, and pointed to the two unfortunate souls under the mistletoe, Juvia and Gray. Exactly the people I wanted.

They froze confused at what was happening. "Look up" was all that I had to say before they both blushed and looked at the ground. Everyone had their eyes on them at this point.

"KISS" Cana yelled, and everyone started chanting.

Gray and Juvia looked at each other and eventually, Gray just went for it, planting a kiss right on her lips. They only held it for about two seconds and when they pulled apart they were both as red as Erza's hair.

Natsu and I looked at each other and winked simultaneously. We had planned this ahead of time because we just really wanted Gray and Juvia to get together.  


A/N: Sorry for not updating this weekend, we were both really busy so we couldn't write. So to make up for it, we just released chapter 18 and 19:) Thanks for 600+ reads!

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