Chapter 28 - Secrets

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait between chapters! We have been getting super busy with back to school stuff and haven't had time to update in awhile. We promise to update both of our books more frequently from now on and we would like to thank all of you guys for the continued support on both of the stories <3


Natsu's POV

Christmas was unfortunately coming to a close, Lucy and I were preparing to go back to school, which involved a lot of housework. We spent our last day of vacation cleaning up our room and organizing everything, I gave her half of my closet and a few drawers so that she didn't have to live out of a suitcase anymore. She seemed to have different priorities... the bathroom, I swear to God she never left that place. She took over the whole thing with her makeup, crazy hair devices and fruity smelling soaps. Is this what all women's bathrooms look like?!

After a long day of organization and a little bit of argument of where things should go, we finished cleaning. I flopped down on my bed closing my eyes, I could totally go for a long nap after all of that physical labor. I could hear shuffling around the room, and it stopped suddenly, then all of a sudden, the bed shifted, and I bounced slightly into the mattress, slightly gasping at the sudden shock. I could hear Lucy's contagious laughing so I began to laugh, but I wasn't sure what at.

I looked over my shoulder to find Lucy lying beside me, it makes sense now what happened, obviously she jumped onto the bed beside me and thought it was absolutely hilarious. I could see her smiling with her eyes closed, she looked so peaceful and I didn't want to disturb her. So we just layed there, side by side in on our bed. Until we were disrupted by a quiet knock on the door.

"Come in" I said, hopefully loud enough for whoever was on the other side to hear me.

The door slowly creaked open and a small voice spoke "Natsu and Lucy, dinner is ready" It was Wendy.

"Ok thanks Wendy we will be down in a minute" With that the door closed and I slowly sat up and looked down at Lucy beside me. When she didn't move, I nudged her a bit and she stirred but still didn't get up.

"Luce?" I shook her a little harder and her eyes fluttered open. "Were you sleeping?" I began to slowly laugh as it took her a second to remember what had happened.

"Natsu? What time is it?" she asked sleepily.

"Dinner time" I said with a smile, standing up and offering her my hand to lead her downstairs.

~The Next Day~

We were both up at 7 am the next morning, getting ready to go back to school. After all the work that we spent the previous day organizing the room, we had forgotten where we put everything. I was digging through my closet looking for my favorite grey sweatpants but they were nowhere to be found.

"Hey Luce where are my pants?"

"I put them at one of the higher shelves because you can reach there and I can't"

"You need to tell me where you are putting things or I'll never find them" I laughed.

"Well it's too late now"

There were footsteps shuffling and Wendy popped her head into the doorway "You guys be quiet already, you sound like an old married couple"

Lucy and I both blushed as Wendy said this and to avoid embarrassment, we just continued to get ready for school.


We left a little later than we wanted to and walked at an extremely fast pace down the sidewalk towards our school. It felt like we were competing in an olympic race, when Lucy would get ahead, I would speed up to pass her and then she would do the same.

After our eventful semi-race we made it to school just in time for the first bell. We booked it down the hall to our math room and the teacher just glared at us when we walked in, panting.


Lucy's POV

I was not in the back to school rhythm yet because that may have just been the worst morning of my life. I walk into the cafeteria as slow as a zombie and take my seat at the table with everyone else. We all were catching up with each other about our Christmas and so on. I look around the table at everyone and my eye catches a glimpse of something shiny on Erza's left ring finger.

"Erza oh my god what is on your finger?!" I question excitedly.

She lifts her hand to look at it as if she forgot what it was, but once she realizes she brings her hands under the table onto her lap. "Oh its nothing"

At this point everyone has their attention focused on her. "Was it a ring?!" Levy pipes in.

Her cheeks turn the color of her hair and she looks shyly at the table top. "Don't worry we are here for you, you can tell us" Juvia says calmly.

Erza takes a deep breath in and brings her hand out to show everyone the beautiful ring on her finger. It was silver with a small diamond on the top, it suited her perfectly.

"Is it a promise ring from Jellal?" Canna asks he looking more closely at it.

"Uh a well u-um n-not really" we all looked at her confused.

Our attention was turned to Gajeel practically choking on his food. "Did he propose to you?!" He managed to say and Levy started rubbing his back in comfort. We immediately looked back at Erza for some kind of reaction but she went back to eating her lunch.

"Fine, fine, I'll tell you just stop staring at me all creepy like that" We all sighed in unison and relaxed waiting for the rest of the story.

"So yes, Jellal did propose and I of course said yes. It was his gift to me on christmas, but that's all for now we don't know when we are going to have the wedding. We were thinking of giving it a little while though, we don't want to rush into anything." she began to smile at the thought of it and you could clearly tell she really loved him.

"You will have it after graduation?" I asked her

"That was an idea that we talked about, but we don't really know yet, we were also considering moving in together"

"Awe, I'm so happy for you Erza" Levy said giving her a sweet smile.

"Me too" the guys added in.

"Thank you guys, it really means a lot."   

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