Chapter 5 - Who is He?

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Natsu's POV

As I walked away from my awkward encounter with Lucy I thought the whole thing through in my head. First she fell, and then I grabbed her hand, why did I do that? Her hand was so soft and warm, but that didn't give me an excuse to hold it for as long as I did. That was so weird. I just hope that she didn't notice how awkward I felt during that whole situation. I have to stop thinking about Lucy and hurry to my locker and then get back to math class before my teacher notices how long I'm taking. Come on Natsu, you need to get it together man.

Lucy's POV

I hurried into class and tried to keep myself unnoticed but that never works.

"I'm glad that you could finally join us Lucy" Mrs. Connell stated as she never took her eyes off of the blackboard that she was writing on.

I quickly sat down and opened up my notebook to follow along with her lesson. A few minutes after I arrived in the room, a familiar pink haired boy strolled in and took his seat near the back of the class. Two seats behind me. How have I never noticed that he was in my math class?'

~Time skip to lunch~ (Still Lucy's POV)

I sat down in my usual spot in the cafeteria where all of my friends were waiting for me. I greeted them and we mostly talked about how much we hated our morning classes. As I listened to all of my friends giggle about the most random things, I let my eyes wander around the cafeteria. I caught sight of Natsu sitting in the far back corner with two other people, that I would assume are his friends. One was a guy with raven coloured hair who was looking at our table so I avoided making eye contact. The other one I recognized from somewhere. Her hair was slightly silver in color and was styled in a pixie haircut, it took me a minute but when she turned around and I saw her face and blue eyes, I instantly knew where I had seen her before. She was the girl who was sitting with Sting this morning.

"Hey Lu!" Levy said waving her hands in front of my face. "What are you staring at?"

"Oh hey Lev, sorry, I wasn't staring, I was just lost in thought"

She looked at me with an unsatisfied look and I knew that if I didn't say something, she would pry at the idea all day. "Don't worry about it, it's nothing" I reassured her.

"You better not have been staring at Sing. I know that he hurt you but you really need to try and move on from him." She stated with a concerned tone in her voice.

"I promise I was not looking at him" I looked at her and smiled which seemed to do the trick.

Natsu's POV

As I was eating my turkey sandwich that I bought for lunch, I noticed Gray staring over at the cheerleaders table.

"Yo Gray who ya staring at?" I teased with my mouth full.

His gaze snapped towards me "NOTHING!" he practically screamed. Then he realized how loud he was and his cheeks started to pinken.

"You're interested in one of those cheerleaders huh?" I smirked.

"What? no way!" he said in defense.

"Whatever you say, ice princess" I said annoyed that he wouldn't admit his crush to his best friend. "So which one is it? the red head? Oh what about the brunette? Wait I know it's the bluenette!"

"NO NO AND NO" Gary stammered.

"Whatever you say," I rolled my eyes "anyway wanna come over to my house after school?" I was more interested in finding out who Gray was crushing on then actually hanging out with him.

"Yea sure why not"

The bell cut our conversation short and we all got up and went different ways to our third period classes.

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