Chapter 15 - The Fall

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Natsu's POV

Its been a week since Lucy kissed me on the cheek and I still couldn't get over it, it honestly made me fall for her even more. I still couldn't figure out what she had thanked me for though, was it for the cookies? Or maybe giving her back her notebook? It couldn't be either of those because they were both small things. she said it as if it was really important to her. I shook the thought from my head as I approached Gray at his locker.

"Hey man" I greeted

"Yo, What's up"

"Well its Friday so I would say its gonna be a good day"

"Well someone is a little too happy" he chuckled "you must love school"

"I did not say that and I'm just glad that it's friday ok!"

"Dude chill, but anyways how are you and Lucy?" he asked smirking at me. I did tell him about the kiss and he was very surprised too.

"Well we haven't hung out at all but we talk in class sometimes"

"Hmm I see" was all that he said as he walked off. I sighed and headed to my locker. On my way I passed by Lucy with her friends at her locker I didn't think she would see me because she was obviously having a conversation with Levy McGarden. I could never have been more wrong because she looked at me and waved so I waved back, slightly shocked. I thought she would just go back to being the popular girl and ignoring me like she did before.

Lucy's POV

My friends noticed me wave at Natsu and they all looked over at me with questioning looks until Erza eventually spoke up.

"Who was that?" she asked.

"Oh he's just a friend in my class"

"I see" she said, they all seemed satisfied with my answer and didn't ask me anymore questions. They are all my friends but I've never been as close with Juvia and Erza as I am with Levy. She is the only one who knows about how me and Natsu hang out. I'm afraid to tell the others because I'm not sure how they'll react. I do want to eventually tell them about that pink haired idiot. Just not right now.

~Time Skip To Lunch~

Natsu's POV

I found Gray and Lisanna at lunch in our usual spot.

"Guys." I said, sitting down, "I'm about to do the most ridiculous thing ever"

Gray rolled his eyes, "I wonder what it is? You have done a lot of ridiculous things Natsu"

"Well I am going to skip third period" I stated and they both burst out laughing.

"I doubt you will go through with it" Lisanna said between giggles.

"You? Skipping?" Gray could hardly breathe at this point. "Who are you skipping with?"

"Um... Lucy Heartfillia" I closed my eyes awaiting their reaction. I opened one eye to see both of them sitting there with their mouths gaping open.

I chuckled "Guys, if you keep your mouths open like that you'll catch flies." they quickly shut their mouths. Gray burst out laughing once again. He was starting to frustrate me.

"You have to be kidding me!" Gray laughed, "There is no way"

"How did you even get Lucy to skip with you?" Lisanna asked.

"Well she actually asked me" ,this definitely shocked the two of them.

For the rest of lunch they proceeded in asking me all sorts of questions. I was patiently waiting for the bell so that I could see Lucy again.

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