Chapter 24 - Love Birds

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Lucy's POV

I kept tossing and turning, the image of my dad kept replaying in my head. I really have to try and forget about him for the time being, I'm just afraid that he's not going to try and recover. At that point, I might have to cut him out of my life for good. I decided to just get up and walk around my room for a bit because I couldn't get to sleep and didn't really know what else to do. I got bored really quickly, and not to mention how cold I got, even though I was wearing sweats and a t-shirt. I sneaked out of my room and towards Natsu's, noticing that he had left his door open, making it easier for me to get in without much noise.

I tiptoed into his room and walked right over to his bed. He was facing towards the wall, and there was enough space for me to lie beside him. I became hesitant, and when I went to move, I couldn't. Why am I so afraid? I took a few deep breaths and contemplated turning back, but I have already made it this far. I slowly began to make my way under the covers until eventually I was laying right beside him, facing his back. I closed my eyes, maybe now I could sleep.

I could feel myself slowly drifting to sleep when he began to get restless, he flipped over completely and our noses almost touched. My breath hitched in my throat, and I tried to move but eventually failed and our noses hit into one another. His eyes opened wide, as he sat up, startled. He looked down at me with a light sigh.

"Lucy its just you" he said with a quiet laugh, "you scared me half to death"

"Sorry to wake you, I couldn't sleep again so I decided to come to your room, because it worked so well for me last time." I said, blushing, and sitting up to look at him.

"Don't worry about it. Is it your dad?" I nodded, and then realized that because it was dark he probably couldn't see me very well.

"Y-yea" I mumbled, shivering at the thought of him.

"Hey feel free to come in here whenever you want, I'll leave my door open for you all the time like I did tonight"

"Thank you, you have done so much for me" I said, smiling, and lying back down on his warm bed, I was getting really tired at this point.

He lied down next me, facing my back. I could feel him playing with my hair and running his fingers through it. "I haven't done that much"

"You have done so much Natsu, Its almost like you saved me, from my dad and myself. I only used to care about what others thought of me, instead of worrying about what I thought of myself. Ever since I met you, I have been able to open up and be myself so thank you." he didn't say anything for a little bit, I was worried, did I say too much?

"Lucy," he paused, "I'm so glad that I helped you" He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer. I wanted to stay right here in his warm embrace forever.


I woke up early, and untangled myself from Natsu, I also wrote him a quick note, leaving it on the nightstand beside his bed. I walked back to my room and got dressed for the day. Grandeeney was up, and was sitting at the table drinking a cup of tea while reading the paper. I don't think that she saw me, so I proceeded to put on my outerwear and head out the door.

It wasn't as cold outside as I was expecting it to be, and I probably didn't actually need to wear Natsu's scarf, but it just makes me feel so safe. I decided to head to the little shopping centre near his house and look around. I was trying to find a scarf that could replace the one that I stolen from him. I was window shopping and only entered a few stores that looked promising. It was taking longer than I expected and I was starting to get frustrated, I just wanted to find the perfect gift.

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