Chapter 8 - Partners

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Lucy's POV

I think that I might be going crazy. Ever since I ran into Natsu Dragneel in the hallway I have been seeing pink everywhere. Pink scarves, pink shirts, pink bags. What is it about the colour pink that is so intriguing that my eye always catches it? The bell for the start of the school day cut of my thought process. I quickly entered class and took my seat noticing that Natsu was already sitting in his desk. He seemed to be doing homework but I really didn't think any more of that. I need to focus on my current life and not someone else's. I don't have the time for this.

Natsu's POV

I went to class earlier today because I had some extra homework that I didn't do last night. As I was finishing up the last question I saw Lucy walk in the room and take her seat. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her look over at me and my heart rate quickened slightly. Does this mean that she has finally noticed me? Maybe now she will actually talk to me and we can at least become friends! What am I talking about? Lucy is way too popular to even notice a loser like me, it was probably just a coincidence that she looked over in my direction.

~Time Skip To Lunch~

Levy's POV

I had to miss lunch with my friends because I had to attend a student council meeting. We went over all the same old issues that were always wrong with the school but never actually get fixed. We ended the meeting with our student council president, Lyon telling us that there is a new student. Everyone around me peeks interest in this topic because we don't get new students very often, I on the other hand didn't care too much about it until Lyon told me that because he has all the same classes as me, I would have to be his tour guide. He brought in the student and introduced him as Gajeel Redfox. I was bewildered at his appearance, how could he get away with that many piercings, not to mention the tattoos! I sighed and got up insisting that he followed me. On my way out of the student council room, Lyon handed me a paper with Gajeel's locker number. I took the strange guy to his locker and let him put all of his stuff away.

"You don't seem to be too pleased with the idea of being my tour guide do you?" He asked me.

"Eh it's fine, we don't get new students very often" I stated.

"I see, well lead the way shrimp."

"You just got here and you're already giving me a nickname?!" I complained. The bell rang and I guided him towards the science class and got him to take the seat next to me.

Mirajane's POV

I always get super excited for a new school year because that means new classes which means a new mix of students! I like to do a major science project that the students do in partners. The project entails having to create a new invention that will make an everyday task simpler. So basically life hacks. I do this project every year because I like to see how creative my students can get. But, the main reason I do it is because I secretly ship my students and pair them based on who would be cute together, then I see if anybody actually becomes a couple. It's like my own little science experiment because I like to have some fun too. As I watch my class begin to enter, I silently prepare to tell them who their partners will be. I almost forgot that we have a new student who will also need to be partnered up with someone.

I watch him walk in with one of my best students, Levy. I instantly know that those two will be partners. I quickly scribble their names in my notebook and I stood up in the front of the class to begin.

"Good afternoon everyone, we are just going to get right into the class by addressing our new student Gajeel Redfox" I say as I point towards him the the middle of the classroom. I let everyone notice his presence before i continue. "I hope you are all excited to find out who your partners will be for the next project."

Everyone groans.

After I explained the project to everyone in the class I started pairing everybody up, "We will start off with our new student who we will partner up with Levy since she is on the student council, you can fill him on what he has missed." I saw them both look at each other like they might say something but then they looked away. Eeeek they are so cute.

"Next we will have Gray and Juvia, Natsu and Lucy..." I finished listing off all of the names written on my list and looked around at the class who didn't look too happy. That's ok because they will all thank me once they are dating. "Now use the rest of class to create your plan and this project will be due two weeks from now."

Lucy's POV

I sighed and turned around to Natsu, the desk in between us was empty because Loke wasn't in class today.

"What are you waiting for?" I smiled and motioned for him to sit in the seat. He slowly got up and brought his stuff over. He kind of just stared at me as if he didn't know what to say. These next two weeks are going to be the longest weeks of my life.  

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