Chapter 6 - First Kiss

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Gray's POV

I knew exactly what Natsu was up to, he just wants to hangout so that he can ask about what happened at lunch. We have known each other for so long I can't believe he still thinks that he can fool me.

I walked out of the school and saw Natsu and Wendy waiting by the gate. Hidden behind Wendy who I didn't see until I got closer was Romeo.

"Hey guys!" I shouted as I approached.

"Could you be any slower Elsa?" Natsu pestered me "Now let's go."

We walked to Natsu's house and when we entered Grandeeney greeted us.

"Hello everyone, how was your day?" she asked cheerfully.

We all just groaned in response.

She chuckled at us, "It's been awhile since you've come over Romeo! It's good to see you again."

"It's nice to see you again as well Ms. Marvell." Romeo replied

"Anyways, would you two like to stay for dinner?" Grandeeney asked Romeo and I.

We both nodded and thanked her then we all left to do our own things. Romeo and Wendy went into her room and I followed Natsu to his room. I lied down on Natsu's bed, exhausted from school, when he started blabbing on about how he didn't agree with Romeo coming over.

"Will you quit being super protective for once and let her do her own thing" I stated.

"I can't do that she is currently in her room with a boy! Anything could happen!" He emphasised his words with wild hand gestures.

"She is in high school now and can be responsible for her own actions, I just don't think you need to worry too much they have known each other for a few years now."

"I can't help but be worried, she will always be like my little sister" he whined.

"I know, but anyways what do you wanna do?"

"Well first things first, you need to tell me who you are crushing on" Natsu questioned with an evil smirk on his face.

I instantly started blushing when I thought about her. She was just so perfect with her silky blue hair and her deep ocean blue eyes. She was beautiful, but way out of my league.

"What if I don't tell you?" I retorted

"Well then I'll have to punch it out of you" he smirked deviously.

"Ugh fine I'll tell you but you have to tell me who you like in return." I sighed, defeated.

"Deal" Natsu stuck out his hand and I shook it. "But you go first."

I sighed and decided I might as well get it over with "It's Juvia Lockser."

"SO IT WAS THE BLUENETTE!!" He screamed when he knew he was right the whole time.

"Yea yea now it's your turn"

"Okay well a deal is a deal so here goes nothing" he closed his eyes and then spat out "Lucy Heartfillia"

I laughed so fricken hard she is way out of his league! "Going for the captain I see?" I winked "she is way out of your league man, good luck."

"Touché." Natsu laughed. "How about we change the subject. Wanna go to the basement to play video games?"

"Yea lets go I'm gonna whoop your ass in Mortal Combat" I shouted as I ran out of his room.

"I'm all fired up now." Natsu yelled behind me.

Natsu left to grab some snacks from the pantry while I went downstairs to set up Mortal Combat. As i entered the basement I heard some shuffling sounds, I wasn't sure what it was so I proceeded with caution. I turned the corner into the open space and saw Romeo and Wendy making out on the couch in front of the TV. I quietly ran upstairs and got Natsu's attention and told him to come follow me. He followed me back down the stairs and saw what i had seen. In shock, Natsu ran up behind the couch and pulled the two apart as quickly as he could.

"Get your hands off of Wendy!" Natsu yelled.

They both gasped and Wendy turned to Natsu, she was obviously angry. I just continued to laugh as I watched this drama fest go down from the sidelines.

"Seriously?!" Wendy shouted at Natsu. "Why would you do that!"

"I'm trying to protect you from getting hurt!"

She looked at Natsu in frustration "I don't need to be baby sat any more I'm in high school for crying out loud and I can take care of myself. I know how to make responsible decisions and be independant but you just had to come in and ruin my first kiss!" Wendy yelled.

Wendy was so angry that she screamed in annoyance and ran up the stairs pushing past Natsu and I. I looked over at Natsu to see what he was going to do next. He looked at me before running up the stairs to catch up to her, as he passed by me I could see how pissed he looked. Once he was gone I was left here in an awkward scenario with Romeo.

There was only one thing to do.

Beat him in Mortal Combat.

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