Chapter 1

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Side note before I get into this. I've never really wrote a continued piece of fiction so This is my first. This story will be from Serena's Pov unless i find it fit to change it up. I'd rather not confuse the reader. Anyway, here we go.

" I've got my fourth Kalos gym badge!" I heard ash yell, gleaming with pride. Pikachu then jumped up on Ash's back and Showed his own pride. Clemont, Bonnie, and I ran up to ash to congratulate him on his win. Clemont and Bonnie ran up to ash and congratulated him. Bonnie was jumping up and down from excitement. 
"Hey, where's Serena? She's not in the stands." Ash asked Clemont.
"Oh, here I am," I walked up to Ash, "Sorry that I didn't come up sooner. Congratulations Ash!" I said with a hint of excitement in my voice.
"Thanks, Serena!" Ash was slightly blushing and rubbing his hand behind his head. It's so cute when he does that.
"So, where's your next gym battle, Ash?" Bonnie wanted to know. Ash gave it a thought, "I don't know yet Bonnie. Truth is, I'm exhausted. Me and pikachu got no sleep because we were so excited about today's battle. I'd like to go back to the pokemon center and rest for the day." We all happily agreed with Ash and made our way out of the gym and towards the pokemon center.

On our way there, Ash was relatively quiet, which is odd because he's so energetic. "Ash, are you Okay?" I ask.
"I'm just really tired, Serena"
He stayed quiet for the rest of the walk there.

We finally reached the pokemon center! Finally, it seemed like forever. Ash sat down on a couch in the lobby while Clemont and I got two rooms. As always, Clemont and bonnie shared one room and me and Ash had the other. I helped Ash up off the couch and into our room. "Thanks, serena" Ash said as he let out a yawn. Pikachu had went to a corner and nuzzled himself up into a ball. "You're welcome Ash" I said. Should i tell him i want to lay with him tonight? I don't want to sleep another night in the same room with him but not in the same bed. I decided to take my risk. "Ash, is it alright if i sleep in your bed with you tonight?" I said to the boy of my dreams. "Yes, Serena. Please do. Are you going to have dinner with bonnie and Clemont?" I was so excited! "No, I was thinking of staying in with you and maybe going to get us a pizza and some sodas" What came out of Ash's mouth next shocked me "I'd like that Serena. Here," he sat up and pulled his wallet out of his bag, "let me pay for you. Just bring me a soda too!" He gave me some money to get us food. "Alright Ash, same as last time?" He nodded and fell back onto his pillow. I quietly exited the room and jumped up and down in excitement. I get to sleep with Ash tonight!

So, that's gonna be the end of the first chapter. I don't know really where to end these so some may run on for some time because I'm having fun writing this.

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